October Readathon! Spooky!

Oct 17, 2015 11:06

(expect maybe not because I haven't decided if I'm reading seasonal or not.)

(I took a picture of a pile of books anyway so the post doesn't feel too naked, but I'm not sure I'll read any of them. Maybe Nimona or Saga. And it's a blurry picture, sorry.)
I'm torn. I have books I really want to read, but might prefer taking my time with. I have five books to finish the 2015 Reading Challenge, but they might not hold my attention for this, or be too long. I'd like to read spooky books for October, but I know they might make me nervous in the middle of the night, so bad idea. I'll have to chose something soon enough I suppose -_- (I need to find a system to chose books for next time, I always lose reading time because I can't decide...) I'm curently in the middle of House of Leaves, but I'll put it on hold for the week-end.
Anyway, I have snacks, I have access to a kettle for tea and coffee (I don't think they'll be much cold drink, it got appropriatly chilly here), I have multiple blankets and cosy socks, so let's do this thing!

Introductory meme
1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
France, near Paris (start time: 2pm)
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
I don't knooow. Maybe Nimona if I get around to it (comics are for later)
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?
It's not so much "looking forward" because I just had a piece with coffee, but almond cake.
4) Tell us a little something about yourself!
My eyes are already dry and I haven't started reading yet, why? (I've got some eye drops at hand though) Also I'm 29 and I like books :)
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today?
I'll try to track my time better, because I'd like knowing how long I manage to actually read. I'll try to stay up later than last time too, but not promise on that. And I'll put an alarm clock to wake up at a decent hour tomorrow.

I'm reading: The Gilda Stories, by Jewelle Gomez
How many pages since the last update: 61
Time spent reading since the last update: About two hours
Listening to: Absolute Rain
What else: I just went down for coffee and a pain au chocolat. I'll cheer a little maybe. And I have a headache.
Challenge completed: Cover escape!
Total pages read: 61
Total time reading: 2h

I'm reading: The Gilda Stories, still.
How many pages since the last update: 63
Time spent reading since the last update: A bit more than 2h.
Listening to: Fire Noise
What else: Made a tiny scraps on my knee and cleaned the tiny drop on blood on my pants, drank tea, fed the cat. And ate some macadamia nuts.
Total pages read: 124
Total time reading: 4h

UPDATE 3, H8 (what do you mean 8h?)
I'm reading: The Gilda Stories, still still.
How many pages since the last update: 32, urg
Time spent reading since the last update: 1h15
Listening to: This ASMR video (I've try music but that doesn't seem to work for me today)
What else: I've had dinner (left over japanese food), and I am having coffee and a donut now. I've been having a low grade headache all afternoon, and my eyes are tired, but I really really hope I'll finish The Gilda Stories before I crash, and hopefully start something else. I'm enjoying the book, it's really interesting and a refreshing change on the vampire genre, but I think next time I'll enforce a stricly YA or other easy reads readathon because I'm frustrated with my pace (I knoooow it's not a race, but it's less fun for me when I'm slow.)
Total pages read: 156
Total time reading: 5h20

I'm reading: Nothing, just done with The Gilda Stories and I need sleep noooow.
How many pages since the last update: 96
Time spent reading since the last update: 3h more or less
Listening to: Squeaking Sailing Boat
What else: I had some peppermint tea, changed into my pijamas and finished my first book! But know my stomach hurts and I need sleep. I'll try to wake up not too late tomorrow.
Total pages read: 252
Total time reading: 9h45

So I sleept realy badly because of the stomach ache, until it disapeared as quickly as it came and I finally fell asleep hugging my hot water bottle. Having coffee and croissant in true French sunday breakfast fashion, and I hope I'll manage to squeeze a book in (though that sounds unlikely).

I'm reading: I've just finish a novella, The House of Aunts by Zen Cho
How any pages since the last update: 66
Time spent reading: 1h30
What else: I'm tiiired. I'm I'm going to start Nimona soon.
Total pages read: 318
Total time reading: 11h something
Books read: 2

I was reading: Nimona by Noelle Stevenson and I started The Jane Austen Book Club by Karen Joy Fowler.
How many pages since the last update: 301 (but that includes 272 pages of comic book)
Time spent reading: 2h25
What else: I had more peppermint tea, and lunch and coffee and a slice of apple pie.

Closing Survey
Which hour was most daunting for you?
H12, I wasn't even reading anymore, but I was struck by the stomach ache of doom. I tried to listen to an audio book but I couldn't concentrate at all.

Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year?
Nimona was a great one for that.

Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year?
Appart for abollishing time zones so everyone starts at 9am, not really.

What do you think worked really well in this year’s Read-a-thon?
From what I could see, cheerleading worked much better than last time.

How many books did you read?
2 and like 13% of one

What were the names of the books you read?
The Gilda Stories, The House of Aunts, Nimona.

Which book did you enjoy most?

Which did you enjoy least?
The begining of The Jane Austen Book Club which I started in the last hour.

How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time?
Very likely, as a reader, otherwise I'm not sure.

Total pages read: 619
Total time reading: 13h 40
Books read: 2

livre, readathon, défi

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