the things that i could do... that i will do. hurry up, i don't want to wait.

Mar 05, 2004 16:09

George W. Bush is Dumb

ah.. how nice is it to hang around your house in just your underwear. *smile* i figure, why get completely dressed when you're the only one home and you don't feel like going anywhere just yet?? maybe that's just me but oh well, i could just be lazy. de de de...
My brother sent me this file and told me it was to make me feel better. Well it worked... how can you not laugh listening to Biz Markie wailing "you, you got what i nnneeeeddd" lol it's so corny and a huge inside joke with all three of us. That just made my day, got me all smiley and loved. My brother is sweet.

It's weird when someone wants to hang out with you instead of your friend, who has a crush on this someone. Does that make sense? I'm a little worried that my friend will get pissed off at me but it's not like i'm trying to get with her crush. We just have stuff in common that they don't. i setting myself up? blah... dealing with people is too complicated. Everyone gets the wrong idea all the time. hm.. rambling.

Is it weird for me to hope that i won't get called back about a job? lol i just don't really want a job. I know i should get one but... eh.. i don't want all that stress. *sigh* my mother keeps bothering me about getting a job but damn it... i'm not going to get a job if i'm not sure that i can keep it for more than 2 months. blah. work blows. And i have no idea what any of my plans are. I don't know if or where i'm going to school next fall, if i'll move or not, if i can handle a job... etc. It's frustrating. Cause most people make you seem like you're a loser if you aren't doing anything important. They can just kiss my ass but no one ever wants to feel like a total loser. ya know?

blah... it was all nice outside an hour ago and now it's like a thunderstorm... a loud, windy one. It's pretty *yay* but it's been raining so much this week that i just want it to stay over 55 degrees and sunny. I'm so over winter weather, just want it to be nice outside. But if i didn't have to be anywhere for the next 2 or 3 hours.. i'd go stand out in the storm. *sighness* oh well.
It's kind of a slow day... i told my mom i would go to this play with her at her school...meh. I'm thinking about sneaking in my sister's mp3 player. So i can listen to EN instead of some kids trying to act. blah. i'm only going cause my mom wanted to go and she wouldn't have gone if someone else didn't go with her. i'm such a good daughter now... well most of the time...heh and she's taking me out to eat so i'll suffer through it.
If i end up hanging out with a bunch of people tonight, i'll try to get more pictures so certain people *coughDustycough* won't have a seizure. teehee alright that's all. woo hoo
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