We have hope, it's expensive.. but we have hope...
You can find out more information about Tiantan at:
http://www.stemcellschina.com/content/view/152/4/ http://www.stemcellschina.com/content/view/76/54/ And one patient experience from Tiantan can be found at:
http://www.stemcellschina.com/content/view/180/101/ They treat patients by using medicines that stimulate the production of neural stem cells in the hippothalmus.
You can see the resume of their lead doctor at
If you are interested in exploring the possibilities of having this treatment, you will need to send MRI images as well as more medical explanation of the problem.
We will then pass them on to Tiantan hospital to see if they feel they can help to give improvement in the condition.
The cost of the treatment is US $13,000 for the first month of treatment and US $12,000 for the second month of treatment including daily rehabilitation, the treatment and accommodation for the patient and a caregiver. The recommend amount of time for treatment is two months but there should be improvement after the first month. The patient can decide on whether to do the second month