Jan 18, 2011 20:14
Lots of things going on. lots of things i haven't been writing about. lest see we'll start from a while back. me and nikkii had an ugly bad break up it's done she doesn't wanna date me and i'm all set with her. although recently he have been very supportive of each other in our most recent relationships. after many months of being alone and trying to get used to it i met this wonderful women named kelly. She was four five years younger then me but she was amazing. she has huge blue eyes and a smile that melts mens hearts. she has long beautiful hair and she just makes you feel alive. shes easy going and laid back. she right off the back had me staying over her apartment every night and then i helped her move to easton from brockton. btw she was going to stone hill with a double master and was gonna graduate early. yeah shes smart anyways.
Me and her lived in easton for several months till she just couldn't take her neighbors anymore. we then moved into stoughton to an awesome apartment. shortly after though i lost my job as a bartender at tgifridays. which blew. i loved that job. unfortunately for me that was the beginning of the end of that relationship. over the following months i became very depressed and not as attentive as i had been in the relationship prior. i also because i was not in the right frame of mind started to not fully divulge things that i knew i should but was scared that she would hate me or scorn me like my prior ex's had, even though she had made it quite clear she was far superior. she has told me that she slowly grew more and more distant till the inevitable happened.... she broke up with me.
I admit i did alot of things wrong this time around i own up for my short comings. but i must say compared to my last two relationships i've come miles. i didn't cheat and i lived with her. not bad considering darcy used to just stay over and nikkii wasn't allowed to stay over lol. anyways we went the first month barely seeing her and my drinking actually got really bad. i made an ass of myself and pushed her away farther and farther. then finally my head popped out of my ass. she now talks to me and stuff. i also have recently started going to aa to try and get my shit together i've been sober since saturday and i plan on going alot farther with it. she and a few of my other friends have made the commitment to stick with me and help me through this.
so as of right now i'm on the wagon and my last girlfriend that i'm still in love with but understand she doesn't want to be with me, is being my friend and almost all of my friends from high school hate me and don't wanna talk to me. for someone in this position i think i'm doin ok. normally i'd be at the bottom of a bottle of jack by now. but i'm not i guess that's good right? idk? till tomorrow......