To say that I am not the world's most ardent reggae fan would be something of an understatement. Lately I have been heard grumbling when anyone puts on the five-song Bob Marley playlist at work, and thinking about what bothers me about his music (which I used to enjoy, two lifetimes ago) has led me to develop the theory that if you will put on Bob
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Both featured the occasional entreaty for peace, broadly, but they didn't even mean the same thing by it.
I do want to say, though, that I don't think it's fair (if that's the right word) to take personally the things I may infer or presume in an argument with an apparent stranger, especially an undesignated one. There's no-one for me to assign the benefit of the doubt to, and there's no-one for me to underestimate. Just a disembodied voice, saying things that I interpret one way or another.
All I mean is that my responses are not an estimation of YOU, the author, just my best attempt at engaging with the ideas put forth, on the most superficial of levels, which is all that is available to me.
That is to say - no offense, I hope.
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