Feb 28, 2007 18:02
i can't even tell you how free i've been feeling lately. i just looked at a few of my past entries and realized that's been a general trend since this summer. freedom. from myself, from my bad habits, from any anger or resentment i've carried around prior to this newfound self-love. FREEDOM! (said either like braveheart or the chase commercial...i might be wrong about both of those but, well, you know.)
in other news, i am going to prom with the class of 2007's homecoming king. i found a hysterically ugly dress which, of course, is tres appropo for the occasion. i got into a car accident so i've been feeling a little down and angry at myself lately, but i'll get over it. the baby is home and she's beautiful and i am very hungry. lalalalalalaaaa. come see sweet charity march 15, 16, 17 at fths weeeee.