
Nov 23, 2008 01:04

So my bird of 14yrs died today. Her name was Birt yes I know a boys name for a girl bird well it was my brother and sister in-laws bird at first and they were the ones that names them there names were Ernie and Birt from that show we all use to watch when we were little kids lol. So we came to find out that the birds were both girls lmao oh well right. Ernie died shortly after my mom passed away. They missed my mom terribly. The kind of birds we had only last usually 4yrs well ours lasted an extra 10yrs more. Well now she is up there with my mommy. Who I miss terribly.

So tomorrow I hope to get my new bed mattress i'm tired of sleeping on a bed that pees on me all the time lol. I have holes all over my bed and i'm getting sick of waking up in the middle of the night thinking I peed the bed when in all fact its my bed peeing on me. If ur all wondering I have a water bed and one of the animals I have made little holes in the bed. Just hope I will like this new one. I have been sleeping on a leaky bed for a year maybe even more I just knew we didn't have the money to buy a new one so I didn't tell my father but I needed to do something now its getting worse I even taped up my bed and when my friends sit on here they get wet also so yeah I think something need to be done right?

So Thursday is Thanksgiving and it will be my 6th Thanksgiving without my mother. Its hard on me but I'm getting there. The worse time is December anyways I hate December that's when she passed away. Seeing Emily's mom going through the same thing my mom did it sucks I know what she and Emily and Larry and big Larry are going through. I don't even wish whats happening to happen to my worst enemy that's how bad it is. Seeing them makes me think about my mom all over again and it sucks so much but i'm getting through it with time. It never fully goes away but it gets a little better each year that goes by. Yes u never stop missing the person but it just gets a little easyer on the heart. I wish I didn't even have to go through it all but hey everyone dies at some point in there life. Sad to say everyone died and its the cruelest part of life. I say we are put on this earth to do what god or whoever it is tells us to do and when we have done what it is they put us on this earth to do they take us away from our loved ones and it sucks monkey balls.

Well I hope everyone is doing good and there enjoying life. Hope all my friends are doing good also. I miss them all Sarah Aja Princess Amanda Gabby Wob Rob Bianca Tessa Tabitha Melissa M3 Mike even Tammy even tho were not really friends anymore but hey W.E. i'm long over that one but there is so many more that I miss like Canada y did he have to move back there *sad face* to all my friends I love you all and miss you all hope all is awesome with you all but keep in touch please.

Like my class motto says "Life is a balance of holding on and letting go"
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