"some white girl"

Dec 19, 2003 18:22

Well hello again and welcome to the eccentric ramblings of "some white girl".

To start today's entry off right, I'd like to let you all know that I, Murrannah Walsh will be conducting this tour. Please stay seated throughout the trip and keep hands and feet inside at all times. I also encourage you all to ask yourself if you know where your baby is. Now come, you cynical bastards.. follow me into a world which is known as "Murrannah's mind"..

*passes out 3-D glasses*

Walk this way..

First stop.. Work.

For those of you that DIDN'T KNOW I work at Client Logic. Which hosts Sears Wishbook. Which is a pain in the ass. I have endless amounts of patience at times, ya'll. I can sit on my ass and do nothing ALL DAY LONG! I mean, how many people have the patience to do that? Not many.. not many. Client Logic itself is fine.. I LOVE THIS PLACE it's my little home away from home. Shit, I've moved in. It's this particular campaign that's driving me up the Goddamn wall.. and the stupidity of humanity as a hole. The whole lot of you excluded, naturally. (side note: "data entry" has on headsets.. WHO ARE THEY TALKING TO? THEY ENTER DATA! THEY DONT NEED TO TALK TO ANYBODY! grr..)

Second stop.. Christmas.

Ya'll know my opinion on Christmas dont you? No?? My.. where have ya'll been?! Miranda + Crimmus = BAHFUCKINGHUMBUG
I'm not celebrating Crimmus. I am, however, recieving presents. That's quite the understatement.. I've bought gifts for everybody. Lucky Bastards.

Third Stop.. Children.

I love kids. I adore kids. I want a fcking houseload of kids. And I'm serious as a heart attack. I do, I want 3-4, maybe more, children. That was just a random tangent topic.

Fourth Stop.. Bango!

Last night Jason cubigtimer and I went and played Bingo. And I am so not kidding. Had a blast too.. considering everybody else was like 20 years older than us and non-white.. (well except for three kids we saw while I was getting a hot dog with beef based condiment.. but that's a whole 'nother topic altogether) Anyhow.. see how wild and daring I am? BINGO! WHOOO! *gives you all a purple dot with my neato-burrito dabber*

Fifth Stop.. Cookies.

Unfortunatly I can't go in depth with this topic, but it's been first and foremost in the front of my brain all week now and I do believe I am close to losing my mind. Everywhere I go COOKIESSLINKYCOOKIESSLINKYCOOKIESSLINKYCOOKIESSLINKYCOOKIESSLINKYCOOKIES!!!!! It's enough to drive a person insane. If I dont get a cookie and/or a slinky soon.. someone will get hurt. I do mean this most literally.

Sixth Stop.. Surprises.

Don't sneak up on me at my house early in the morning. It pisses me off. Have common hooman decency and CALL. If you dont get and answer.. I'M STILL FREAKING ASLEEP. And by the way.. if you feel the need to come to my house and you do, indeed call DONT FREAKING CALL ME TIL AFTER 10AM, CAUSE DUH FUCKWIT, I'M STILL ASLEEP. Don't wake me up. I'm not pretty when I'm grumpy, baby.

And sadly folks.. that's the end of our trip for tonight. I hope you all enjoyed your ride! Now if you'll gladly hop your happy asses off my journal.. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here.

Today's trip was brought to you by the letters F, U, C and K and by the letters 6, and 9.

This has been a Mawana Presentation!
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