Hi everyone! I just wanted to tell you about the new project I'm involved in with my friends Timm, Lauren, and Terry! We've been writing and recording, well mostly Lauren and Timm have been writing songs, and we're releasing a new song each week on our myspace page! You can listen to 30 second samples right now and the songs are each a dollar if you like them. I'm hoping to talk the guys into actually putting a full song or two up there soon, but for now, 30 seconds is what you get! You can also read the weekly blog entries and view pictures from the sessions.
Visit our page! This is meant to be a relaxed outlet for our creativity, hence the name No Pressure Project, and we couldn't ask for anything more than that you give it a listen and that maybe it moves you in some way. If you have a myspace page of your own, let's be friends! Enjoy, and thanks in advance!