It's been 10 days since my last exam ended. This is what I have been doing on the computer:
1) Roleplaying on
twilight_city. (Oh dear I haven't replied Snow and Will.)
2) Playing Audition. (Addictive but not as fun as o2jam. Nice to see the dancing graphics though.)
3) Writing. (Drabbles and trying to write random writing samples for a possible second RP character.)
4) Stoning.
5) Watching random TLM on Broadway clips.
6) Reading other people's writings.
7) Chatting on MSN. (...)
And this is what I have been doing off the computer:
1) SLEEPOVER with Faith, Siti and Shuwen. :D (HAPPY HAPPY LAUGHTER. I'm sorry I wasn't a very good host. We watched The Lion King and Waitress and fell asleep and now have a potential blackmailer because Faith was awake and captured all our sleepy faces in her phone. D: )
2) Watching Josh Groban Awake Live Concert DVD. (Okay I've only watched it twice, actually.)
3) Writing.
4) Reading Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.
5) Doodling.
6) Disturbing papa and mama.
8) Reading NANA.
9) Stoning.
10) Wondering what to do next.
11) Writing letters.
12) Hanging out with NUS peeps.
13) Watching DVDs. <3 (DISNEY DISNEY DISNEY.)
14) Thinking of new lipbalms.
15) Daydreaming.
16) Trying to get D.Tsuyoshi's single out of my head. D: (wth is with the name 244 Endli-x though?! I liked ENDLICHERI*ENDLICHERI better. [Okay I'm lazy to add in that black star he put in between those two ENDLICHERIs.])
...Basically I am very idle.