Monday question

Feb 04, 2008 13:00

I was talking about this with my mom yesterday.

I have heard that today some schools don't want parents to bring in things like cupcakes because so many kids have food allergies.

When I was a kid, my mom baked cupcakes, I don't remember anyone in my school having food allergies, though a friend of mine had to drink goat's milk instead of cow's milk.

I never knew anyone with peanut or shellfish allergies until I was a grown woman; I never knew anyone with asthma until I was a grown woman.

I lived in a neighborhood that sprayed the trees with DDT, burned their garbage, yet we kids played outside until dark.

So what is so different now? Why do so many kids have all kinds of food allergies? Are they real or just another way for parents to baby their kids?
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