...and I am stuck at school with no one to share it with.
Out of respect, make sure you eat your full four servings of fruit today! This day is so why I chose my particular emoticon set. ; D
Wish I actually had some friends here on campus (VERONICA!) to help me indulge my need for "yaaar"s and "arrr(g)h!"s and "matey"s, not to mention to exchange horrible(y funny) pirate jokes with. Damn. Another great day wasted to the blandness of Berkeley.
Speaking of, the other night I had a dream that I was sitting in the big lecture hall of my biochem class. This girl raised her hand and went on this whole ego-stroking, pompous rant about how she figured out this really difficult problem set once she discovered this one concept and then it was so easy, blah blah blah. I was loathing every minute of it and wishing that she'd stop fucking rubbing how god damn brilliant she was in other people's faces and hoping that other people in the class also realized what a snobby bitch she was being. After she finished there was a moment of silence and then someone flatly shouted out. "Fuck you," prompting everyone in the entire lecture hall to turn to her, hands raised in the air with their middle finger displayed proudly.
I remember thinking, "GOD! Finally, for once Berkeley doesn't disappoint me!"
(Uh, inferiority complex much? Freud would have a field day with that dream.)
...I felt good about going to school that morning because I had entirely forgotten that it was a dream, but as soon as I set foot on campus I realized oh, huh...nope... still the same shitty school is always is.
*le sigh*