Major milestones

Feb 15, 2007 16:06

Jan 27th (yes, I know I'm behind), I was lying around so sick that I almost missed Heidi's first step without holding onto anything. Fortunately, I had my eyes open at just the right moment while she took a step, hovered, and them plopped onto her behind.

Since then, she's been adding more and more steps, better and better balance. She's up to about seven small steps in a row.

To encourage her, I try to clap immediately afterwards and sound enthusiastic. She's picked up on the clapping and has since added that to her repertoire of tricks. Not only that, but if I say something about clapping, she'll also clap--she's learned to recognize another word!

Wolf mentioned that she waving. He didn't tell you that he taught her not only to wave but also to do it on command using the German word, "Winke!" Yes, she's learned her first German word!

For about four weeks, she's been using syllables alternating between, "Ba ba ba" and "Ma ma ma"

She fully understands that I'm "mama", because when I was walking towards her door at bedtime, she got worried that I was leaving her and worriedly quiered, "Ma Ma???"

At this point, she also thinks Wolf is mama, which clearly in her mind means "loving parental unit". We haven't been able to get her to say the "pah" sound yet.

More adventures at the dojo
Heidi now scoots all around the floor during class, so much so that I need no other distraction technique. She's learned to pull out the "toys" from all the bins just like she does with her toybox at home. The plastic rebreakable boards seem to be her favorite. She still finds sparring scary with all the yells and such. Last week, I put her on my lap to keep her calm while the two guys in my class did some sparring drills.

Heidi got to enjoy her first Valentine's dinner with us at home. We had some red foods. She ate quite a few of the beets and some of Wolf's grilled steak. Yum! She also got her first taste of the Pepperidge Farm goldfish and loved them even better than Cheerios.

Uncle John (Rateliff) babysat Heidi during my last two class sessions, and Heidi kept him running. The first time she had him convinced that she didn't want a nap, so he seemed pretty tired after a five hour stint. They read lots of books including two he brought over for her. They also played the "pick-up" game which meant John picked up while Heidi gleefully tore everything back out again.

More books
Auntie Janna also gave Heidi a load of books- - lovely picture books for when she gets older and stops trying to destroy ones with paper pages. For now, Heidi is only allowed board, cloth, and vinyl books.
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