2014 in Writing

Jan 08, 2015 15:12

I've been avoiding writing this entry because, well, my 2014 fic output was significantly smaller than 2013, which in turn was smaller than 2012. Not my favorite trend. I'm consoling myself with the vast swathes of NaNoWriMo 2014 words that I still need to edit.

Total Fics Written in 2014: 16 (+1 updated WIP)
Het: 2
Slash: 3
Femslash: 3
OT3: 1
Multi: 1
Gen: 7
Featuring Ladies: 8
Featuring CoCs: 6

2014 Word Count By Fandom
Inception: 10,571
X-Men: First Class: 6032
Les Miserables: 5846
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 3786
Graceland: 3256
Gravity Falls: 3028
Taylor Swift RPF: 2476
In the Heights: 2102
Bomb Girls: 1801
Supernatural: 1741
Black Swan: 1315
Marvel Cinematic Universe: 1213
The Hunger Games: 637
Parks and Recreation: 288
Community: 190

Keep on Chasing a Dream Word Count: 0
The People Sing Word Count: 5846
Yuletide 2014 Total Word Count: 10,943
Total Word Count for 2014: 42,679

Skies Are Blue - Bomb Girls, Betty/Kate. The required coffee shop AU.
Pictures of Pagan Russia - Brooklyn Nine-Nine/Black Swan, gen. The first and only time Rosa ever pines for anyone, it's a girl in ballet class.
Past the Size of Dreaming - Inception, gen. 10,000 words of Mal character study.
The People Sing - Les Miserables, Cosette/Marius/Eponine with bonus Enjolras/Grantaire. The ridiculous and still ongoing DJ AU.
scarred (on your left) - MCU, Sam/Steve. Sam has a scar running up his left pinky. Steve knows because he can't stop staring at it.
hitting heavens high - Supernatural, gen. Snippets from Jo Harvelle's life as she grows up.
Easy Wind and Downy Flake - XMFC, Charles/Erik. Charles doesn't know why Erik keeps coming back for the occasional chess game, but he'll take what he can get. (Post-DOFP.)
Coffee's on the House - In the Heights, Usnavi/Vanessa. 10 excuses Usnavi used to give Vanessa free coffee, from pre-canon to post-canon.
Teen Movie Magic - XMFC, Charles/Erik, AU. Before the accident, Charles would have asked Erik out within the first three days of school. Now Raven is pressuring Charles to at least ask him to prom.
Wolverine Café - X-Men movies, gen. Logan runs a cat café.
The Nose of the Pig - Gravity Falls, gen. Mabel enters Waddles in a truffle-finding contest. Unfortunately, what they find is the fairy realm, and now Mabel has to rescue Dipper.
Little Spoon - Brooklyn Nine-Nine, various. “Everyone likes to be the little spoon, it makes you feel safe!" Or: one time each person in the Nine-Nine was the little spoon.
All My Starbucks Lovers - Taylor Swift RPF, Taylor Swift/Karlie Kloss. Another coffee shop AU.
Those Blue Memories Start Calling - Graceland, gen. After the events of season one, Johnny insists that they celebrate Christmas at Graceland.

(Basically, anything under 1000 words is here.)
My Star; Your Sky - Hunger Games, Peeta/Katniss. There are weeks when they don't talk. They don't need to anymore. (Post-Mockingjay, pre-epilogue.)
Get Out the Map - Community, gen. Annie, Abed, Troy, and Britta are lost on a road trip.
Dirt Pudding - Brooklyn Nine-Nine/Parks and Recreation, gen. Amy Santiago and April Ludgate at a family reunion.

I... yeah. I'm not going to pretend I'm happy about these dismal wordcounts. To console myself, I just checked my WIP folder. I am sitting on 35k of unfinished fic, and that's counting only what I worked on in 2014. I'm also sitting on at least 10k of unfinished RL blog entries. I freaking won NaNo 2014! There is no need for me to want to cry when I look at those numbers, and yet.

All right, enough with feeling sorry for myself! I did a whole lot of excellent teaching, cooking, traveling, and relationship-ing in 2014. NaNo 2014 ensured that I have plenty of words to edit in 2015. I finished a rough draft of The People Sing and a final draft of two WIPs that had been sitting in my WIP folder for at least four years. I finished a commission fic. I had loads of fun writing for Secret Mutant and Yuletide. All that ain't nothin'.

Leitmotif(s) of the year: My tongue-in-cheek answer is "lesbian coffee shop AU," because I wrote two. Plus the Usnavi/Vanessa fic involves coffee. My usual leitmotif, family, made less of an appearance in 2014. Stands to reason, since I wrote fewer ensemble fics. Love was a big theme, which is what happens when half of your output is shipfic.

Favorite(s) of the batch: Easy Wind and Downy Flake for the mutant poetry movement. Coffee's on the House because I can never have enough of In the Heights. Wolverine Café because the writing process made me laugh. Little Spoon because I love B99 so much.

Best of the batch: Past the Size of Dreaming finally says what I wanted to say about Mallorie Cobb in 2010. It just took four years to write the story, is all. I would like to thank Greek myth for providing my favorite parts of the story.

Most popular story: scarred (on your left) has the most kudos for 2014! It's a short, porny story featuring Steve Rogers, so go figure.

Most under-appreciated by the universe: Past the Size of Dreaming and hitting heavens high are lady-centric gen fics about media that's positively ancient in fannish eyes.

Favorite first lines: From All My Starbucks Lovers: Taylor is up to her armpits in morning rush (plain bagel, twice toasted, four pats of butter on the bagel, one strawberry jam packet on the side, and whatever insanely complicated coffee order Mr. All Too Regular feels like today) when she sees her for the first time.

Most fun to write: Writing was really, really hard this year. Writing Wolverine Café was a blessing. Logan! Cats! Emma! Reality TV! Smug certainty that my recipient would love the fic! All of that was mine during the writing process.

Sexiest fic: I think scarred (on your left) is pretty darn hot. All My Starbucks Lovers ain't too shabby, either.

"Holy crap, that's wrong even for you" fic: I guess All My Starbucks Lovers, for the RPF element. That's why it's archive-locked.

Fic that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: None, really? Now I have all this headcanon for Mal, thanks to my backstory fic.

New pairing/genre/fandom you never predicted writing in January: Taylor Swift/Karlie Kloss, definitely. I didn't have any idea who KK was until Yuletide.

Hardest fic to write: Almost all of them. The Nose of the Pig had a terrible first draft and I'm still paranoid that my Yuletide assignment wasn't as good as it could have been.

Biggest disappointment: No final draft of The People Sing. Nothing added to Keep on Chasing a Dream. Fewer treats written for Yuletide. Still have an outstanding commission fic. A drop in wordcount across the board. 2014 was a disappointing year for (published) writing, man. Figures it would also be the year I won NaNo for the first time instead of petering out by the second week.

Biggest surprise: That anyone besides my recipient liked Pictures of Pagan Russia! A Brooklyn Nine-Nine/Black Swan crossover doesn't seem like it would have the largest audience.

Most telling fic: It is possible that All My Starbucks Lovers features a little of my own barista memories. (I was not a good barista. I did not work in a real coffee place. :P)

What's next? CLEARING OUT MY WIP FOLDER. I said it at the end of 2013 and probably at the end of 2012. I know that a WIP folder clear of random fics I started in 2011 is a pipe dream, but I would love to finish the fics I've invested a substantial amount of time and effort in. Here is my goal list for 2015, in order of priority:
  • Finish The People Sing. Oh my god, finish this FIC. The last two chapters are finished, just in dire need of edits.
  • Finish my last commission. I have a complete outline and ~4k words of my last commission. It just needs to be 10k of Lizzie/Darcy shipfic. Not that difficult, self!
  • Finish the Raven/Angel fic. You know, the one I started in 2011. The one that is over ten thousand words long and still not finished. WHY, SELF.
  • Add at least two chapters to KoCaD. This WIP has fallen down on my list of priorities because let's face it, my friends are over Glee and I'm over whatever the hell is happening on the show now. That said, I still love all the arcs I have planned for my version of S3, and looking at my outline makes me remember all the potential the show had. I want my story to live up to its potential.
Well, that is a long list of "must writes." I think NaNo helped a lot with being able to push through the feeling of, "I hate this, I am writing total crap, I am uninspired and the worst and a hack." I'm deep in edits now and the writing I produced in November is good. Rough, but good. I can totally check off every item on this list before 2015 is over, barring terrible life events. GO ME.

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writing: mine, meme

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