a lullaby in its way

Dec 31, 2013 11:55

Happy last day of 2013, everybody! I'm still trying to finish the B's in the Yuletide archive, good God. Also still taking fic prompts on my previous post!

1. Your main fandom of the year?
Les Miserables! It takes real love to read a 1400-page novel while teaching. Also to come up with an idea as ludicrous as DJ Enjolras.

2. Your favorite film watched this year?
Pacific Rim!

3. Your favorite book read this year?
Les Mis! Bless it for being infinitely more readable than most 19th century prose. (Yes, I am aware some of this comes from translation.)

4. Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?
BEYONCE. This album takes pop to the next level, and I LOVE the "visual album" concept. Yes, please, Mrs. Carter.

5. Your favorite TV show of the year?
For new shows, definitely Brooklyn 99 and Graceland. (Sleepy Hollow is a close runner-up, but I'm so behind.) For old shows, Parks and Rec still has a strangehold on my heart. WAIT, I THINK I ALSO WATCHED CAPITAL SCANDAL IN 2013. CAPITAL SCANDAL WINS FOREVER.

6. Your favorite online fandom community of the year?
Gchat? Twitter? Whatever allows me to capslock at my fannish friends at all hours of the day/night.

7. Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
Rather than answer Les Mis for everything, I'm going to say that I finally saw In the Heights staged and it made me appreciate an already incredible show 500 times more.

8. Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
I didn't write as much as I wanted to, and I didn't write ANY original fiction. I was busy with awesome life experiences, though, so I can't complain too much? I think I've broken up with tumblr's bullshit, which makes it hard to keep track of the fannish community.

9. Your TV boyfriend of the year?
Johnny Tuturro!

10. Your TV girlfriend of the year?
Ann Perkins, so we can stay in Pawnee and I can also be BFFs with the rest of the Parks ladies.

11. Your biggest squee moment of the year?
Leslie and Ben's wedding!

12. The most missed of your old fandoms?
I miss the killer wordcount Glee fandom gave me. Other than that, nothing. (I've kept in touch with all my friends I met through Glee, so!)

13. The fandom you haven’t tried yet, but want to?
I've watched half of Attack on Titan and quite enjoyed it, but the fandom is terrifying.

14. Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year?
Finishing DJ Enjolras in 2014! X-Men: Days of Future Past!
fahye visiting again, because as of Yuletide she totally counts as a fandom! Aside from specific events, lots of writing dates with my friends. ♥


What did you do in 2013 that you'd never done before?
Went to OTHER COUNTRIES, Australia and Canada specifically! Experienced actual success at the whole Internet dating thing. Taught kindergarten!

Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don't make New Year's resolutions, but I think I've done things for myself that made my life better in 2013! When pocky_slash and I hang out next, we're going to iron out some writing checkpoints for 2014. Kind of like NYRs!

Did anyone close to you give birth?
I don't think so? I went to one hell of a kickass wedding, though.

Did anyone close to you die?

What countries did you visit?
Australia and Canada! It is so exciting to have an actual answer for this, omg.

What would you like to have in 2013 that you lacked in 2013?
The first draft of a novel! A nicer carpet for my bedroom.

What dates from 2013 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
AUSTRALIA/CANADA/TRAVELING EXTRAVAGANZA. The 24-hour NYC roundtrip to see The Tempest as a musical with
skygiants and
genarti! Oh, and I think it was 2013 that I saw Bare: The Musical! Clearly I am the best at remembering dates. On a sadder note, the Marathon bombing.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Persisting through the annoyance and high failure rate of online dating. It feels weird to list "meeting my boyfriend" as my biggest achievement, but it represents a LOT of social growth on my part. I might have screwed things up if I hadn't gone on all those other unsuccessful dates.

What was your biggest failure?
NOT FINISHING DJ ENJOLRAS. >:( Slacking off on my exercise schedule.

Did you suffer illness or injury?
I struggled with a bit of winter malaise, especially in January. Other than that, not really!

What was the best thing you bought?
My plane ticket to Australia! Luna, the car that actually turns on when you start it! MY NEW BEDSPREAD AND CURTAINS THAT BRIGHTEN UP MY WHOLE ROOM. (Okay, so those last ones were Christmas presents, but I picked them out.)

Whose behavior merited celebration?
My family's, for dealing with some tough stuff. My friends', for the same reason.

Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Many people in politics. Many white feminists. The people who bombed my city.

Where did most of your money go?
Student loans and rent! I wouldn't know what to DO with all my money if I didn't have student loans. Have a really fancy shoe collection?

What did you get really, really, really excited about?
SOX WON THE WORLD SERIES!!!!! AUSTRALIA!!!!!! ANNE OF GREEN GABLES ROADTRIP!!!!! Lots of really, really good things happened in 2013, despite how much I struggled to get through the 2012-2013 school year.

What song will always remind you of 2013?
"XO" by Beyonce, but that's for the last few weeks of 2013! "Die Young" by Ke$ha, because Les Mis. "Things We Lost in the Fire" by Bastille, because
fahye played it a lot while we wrote things. Everything on the DJ Enjolras playlist.

Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? Happier!
b) thinner or fatter? About the same, maybe a little thinner?
c) richer or poorer? Hah, poorer. See list of best things I bought in 2013. :P

What do you wish you'd done more of?
Writing, as always. Seeing loved ones, as always.

What do you wish you'd done less of?
Moping about how I'm not being productive enough! It's a self-defeating cycle.

Did you fall in love in 2013?
Uh, I've been dating the boyfriend for like five weeks now? I'm pretty sure I find him tolerable.

What was your favorite TV program?
Parks and Rec and Brooklyn 99!

Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
No, I don't think so.

What was the best book you read?
Les Mis, again!

What was your greatest musical discovery?
Can anyone really say they "discovered" Beyonce? I bought Bastille's album and quite like it. I started the Yuletide fandom for Mary Lambert's "She Keeps Me Warm" music video!

What did you want and get?
NEW BEDSPREAD + CURTAINS. A sexy red dress for New Year's Eve! Also, aforementioned plane ticket. I'm not going to list "a relationship" here because it feels icky to put a person on a list of things.

What did you want and not get?
The ability to balance a job/social life/writing/exercise.

What was your favorite film of this year?
Pacific Rim!

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Still a 20-something, still being vague about exact age despite nobody checking LJ/DW anymore. I went drinking with two of the roomies at a speakeasy style bar! I think we had some in-depth book conversations, if I remember correctly.

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Adequate time to prepare for the 2012-2013 school year.

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2013?
Joan Holloway, if she were a late 20-something in 2013.

What kept you sane?
My friends. ♥ Friendly amounts of wine, also!

Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Beyonce and Chris Evans! Wow, I would watch that TV show.

What political issue stirred you the most?
White feminists acting like racist/transphobic/etc. assholes! Political attacks on various freedoms.

Who did you miss?
Any friend I don't see on a regular basis! Seriously, I wish there were 48 hours in a day and 10 days in a week. Also that we had teleportation.

Who was the best new person you met?
I don't remember friend anniversaries, I am the worst. D: ALL OF YOU ARE CUTE.

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2013:
Persistence pays off. So does trying to be the kind of person you want your students to be. (Seriously, as soon as I started emphasizing responsibility to the kids, I turned into the kind of person who cleans her room at least twice a month and picks it up at least once a week.)

Quote a song that sums up your year:
I am humbled in this city
There seems to be an endless sea of people like us
Wakeful dreamers, I pass them on the sunlit streets
In our rooms filled with laughter
We make hope from every small disaster

http://littledust.dreamwidth.org/536931.html |
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meme, me: year in review

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