*blows dust off journal* Yes, I'm still here! With five more school days between me and Christmas break, but now that the initial blitz of parent-teacher conferences is over, I'm hoping to be more present. The first three months of school: always a killer of free time. I'm trying not to brood over recent news, despite it hitting home quite hard.
What else I've been doing: working on my Glee S3 rewrite, writing my
secret_mutant fic, outlining my Yuletide fic, and having writing buddy hangouts with
sotto_voce also showed me the first episode of Capital Scandal, which was just as GLORIOUS as promised, so I'll be marathoning that over break.
I have still been reading DW/LJ faithfully, even if I am the WORLD'S WORST at commenting. Proof: I finally read the Newsflesh trilogy by Mira Grant, which
umadoshi has been recommending for many moons now.
Her non-spoilery rec post says it better than I ever could (post-zombie apocalypse reconstruction! bloggers! codependent siblings!), so I will simply blather about the books under a cut. DON'T SPOIL YOURSELVES. The plot twists are so much fun, if occasionally soul-crushing!
Okay, a few quick things about the Newsflesh trilogy under the cut: I don't like zombies except in Shaun of the Dead, but I adored these books. It helps that the (wonderful, wonderful) main characters all hail from a time post-apocalypse, so they're used to constant blood testing and rarely going out of doors unless they're after some news. The grossness of zombies? Not so much a part of this trilogy. There's a high body count, but the deaths are never cheap.
I have to say, in addition to the deaths never feeling cheap, George's resurrection didn't feel cheap, either. It helps that George 2.0 has all of George 1.0's skepticism, plus her reappearance didn't magically cure Shaun's breakdown. PLUS THE REVEAL. I was devastated by the end of Feed, but the end of Deadline had me running downstairs, wild-eyed, and THROWING the first book at my roommate, demanding that she read the series so that someone else in the house could feel my feelings. We all cried over George's final blog entry! We had all been grieving along with Shaun for like 500 pages! And then BOOM. CLONE. HOLY SHIT.
I am excited to report that a) I ship George/Shaun like burning, because codependent siblings get to me, and b) I had their relationship pegged since Feed. Or rather, when George never elaborated on the reason she and Shaun didn't date, I arched an eyebrow and said, "Uh-huh, Georgia Mason." Then I knew that the author was actually Going There when Shaun said George's name after sex. Needless to say, I FREAKED OUT ALL OVER TWITTER when Shaun and George 2.0 reunited (met for the first time?). In fact, the emotional climax of Blackout was so perfect that it overshadowed the somewhat vague resolution of the Big Conspiracy, but that's small potatoes compared to a PERFECT(LY DEVASTATING) REUNION SCENE.
The secondary characters were all lovely. Mahir! Buffy! Maggie! Becks! I loved all of those characters, so of course half of them died. I do appreciate that the trilogy had so many awesome ladies to spare that I didn't mind that a few of them went out in a blaze of glory. Well, I minded, but it wasn't an Only Girl Dies type situation.
I have a million more feelings, but I have to leave for an event. Leave me questions/comments about the trilogy! (Do mark your comments if they're spoilery, though.) I'm hoping to write a Yuletide treat or two. :D
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