I have been in such a Christmas/Yuletide daze that I... forgot to blog about it! Somehow I managed to contribute 15,000 words to Yuletide this year, and I officially give myself permission to not try to match that next year. *G* I have four fics in the main Yuletide archive and one in Yuletide Madness. Two are in new fandoms, two are in fandoms I've written before, and one is in a fandom I've kind of written before. Feel free to guess! ♥
I also got an UH-MAZING Black Swan fic,
The Illusion of Flight. It's a heartbreaking look at Nina with lots and lots of ballet references that I don't even fully understand, not being a dancer, but OMG. So lovely.
fahye and I are merging into one hivemind, since we have separately developed cravings for Daria AND are planning to cosplay her at some point. Now I need to go to Outpost Daria and read ALL THE AMAZING FIC from like 10 years ago.
Speaking of fic cravings, Yuletide has put me in mind of how much I love the "Good Girls Go Bad" music video and how I kind of want to write fic for it! Go watch it, it is delightful.
http://littledust.dreamwidth.org/522214.html |
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