HOW ARE YOU GENTLEMEN. It is shaping up to be a Week at preschool, and I suspect it will be a Month and even an Autumn, but such things can't be helped. Breaking news: getting used to school takes time! My class does the greatest rendition of "Five Little Monkeys," though. I'm also listening to our classy new naptime mix, which features Chopin, Danny Elfman, and Explosions in the Sky, among others.
Enough with job geeking! I'm reading William Gibson's Pattern Recognition, more on that when I finish it. The not so secret project has reached 16k. I am powering through my total inability to write action scenes, and even beginning to enjoy myself. For this battle, this character has a concussion! The battle before that, he got stabbed in the hand! XMFC fandom is making me stretch my writing muscles.
Last night, a little show called Glee started up again. I think I actually liked the episode, which is weird, given how angry/sad certain behind the scenes changes have made me. My thoughts on this episode are brief, 'cause I need to get back to writing:
Glee 3.01, The Purple Piano Project
Breaking up Puck/Lauren: SADDEST OF FACES, but at least not handled in a way that made me want to punch my screen. Keep in mind that my expectations are low. Also sad at THE OFF-SCREEN DEATH OF SAM/MERCEDES but I've at least had an entire summer to mourn Chord's decision. I'm excited for Mercedes: Actual Audition Contender (Fuck You, RIB, Your Choices In the Past Two Seasons Were So Terrible).
Why why why Asperger's jokes whyyyyy.
Here's the part where I say I enjoyed the episode because I ignored all Schue scenes in favor of talking to D. Really, the only way to watch Glee is to pretend that it's about the kids alone. So whatever, things maybe happened in the episode involving Schue's face, but the only one I really caught involved him kicking Santana out of glee. You know, my vision for the end of the season involves all the girls singing "Closer to Fine" and directing some pointed verses in his direction: He graded my performance / He said he could see through me...
Okay, I just really, really want there to be an Indigo Girls song on the show. Anyway.
As little sense as it made for all the kids to be the same age, I'm REALLY SAD Tina and Artie aren't graduating. My love for J.Ush's face means I can't make a clean break with the show for next season. Curses!
QUINN. At least this is something different, as opposed to resetting her to square one and then retconning her all to hell. Loved Brittany and Santana trying to win her back to the Cheerios. Loved Rachel trying to win her back to New Directions. Damn, I'm not a Faberry shipper by trade, but I want them to make out all over each other's faces under those bleachers.
OH GOD KURT AND RACHEL. MY HEART. EXPLOSIONS OF LOVE AND GLITTER AND RAINBOWS. Their friendship is perfection. I love, love, love them being ambitious and college-focused and EMMA GETTING TO DO HER ACTUAL JOB BTW and they're SUPPORTIVE of each other and they LOVE each other and oh, my heart. Two of my favorite characters are having BFF scenes all over my screen and it makes me so happy.
Oh, Blaine, you enormous dork face. WHAT ARE YOU EVEN WEARING, HOW CAN KURT LET YOU LEAVE THE HOUSE. The show feels right now that it's all New Directions, all the time. I mean, 'cause I can fast forward through scenes with the adults, but I wasn't about to skip Kurt 'n' Blaine at Dalton.
Do the writers really, really want the audience to hate Finn? By the end of last season, he'd gotten the full-blown Schue treatment, and now he's gearing up to hate on Glee's most popular new character. Um. I did find Finn tolerable in this episode, but let us also consider the total lack of Finn/Rachel scenes.
Now I need to watch The Vampire Diaries and The Secret Circle. Oh, TV about teenage girls, there are times I wish I could quit you, then I realize how few female characters are actually on TV. |
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