hello, 2011!

Jan 01, 2011 19:32

Happy New Year! The housemates and I rang in the new year with loud dance music, new friends who were originally looking for a cab but stayed for the party, and lots of booze. Perhaps too much booze. But now I have eaten bacon and all is well.

Yuletide reveals! I wrote 12,000+ words for Yuletide, which is out of this world. I'm happy that all my recipients liked their fics, and other people seemed to like them as well! :D Three out of six fics contributed to
dark_agenda, which is great, but I hope to improve the ratio even further next year. Here's the list:

  • Part of the Teenage Angst Brigade (H2O: Just Add Water, Rikki/Zane) - My main assignment involved an Australian children's show about teenage girls who turn into mermaids. I will have to do a picspam, because this show is so RIDICULOUS yet is all about GIRL FRIENDSHIP and therefore great. I wrote 5000+ words of dorky teenagers in love, complete with mix CD.
  • The Curse of the Bambino (And Other Love Stories) (You Belong With Me - University of Rochester Yellowjackets, Jock Guy/Glasses Guy) - The idea for this fic originated from one of the deep conflicts of my life: what to say when asked about baseball. I don't really watch, but I am genetically required to love the Red Sox.
  • Home Cooking (The Princess and the Frog, Lottie & Tiana friendship) - I LOVE THIS MOVIE. I LOVE IT SO HARD. This one was so easy to write because of that love!
  • Hello Hello Baby (Telephone [Music Video], Lady Gaga/Honey B) - I have so few opportunities to work a line like "My hair is ringing" into fic.
  • everything in its right place (Fringe, Alt!Astrid) - Sometimes, you just gotta flesh out the chromatic characters, especially if they come from an alternate universe.
  • Find Your Jesus, Find Your Kubrick (RPF, Lady Gaga/Taylor Swift) - Definitely the smuttiest thing I've ever written. There are character development bits in there, but mostly just PORN.

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