she shakes her blues and then she tries her luck

May 20, 2008 20:04

In the midst of recovering from Eye Doom '08, I've been following the conversations about misogyny on SPN. Can't say anything that hasn't already been said better, but I will say that it's never a waste of time to confront sexism, even if it's "just" in fandom. These things have a habit of carrying over into every aspect of your life, if I'm any example to go by. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

Awesome women in fandom love post! I think the first lady on my agenda is Buffy Summers. I'll leave you with one of the times I have actually cheered at the TV:

    "Now that's everything, huh? No weapons... No friends... No hope. Take all that away... and what's left?"


    And then she saved the world.

quotes, politics: feminism

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