My LiveJournal 12 DaysMy True Love gave to me...12
bellelvsbeasts a-wiggling.11
spencerb319s a-hacking.10
vdubitalias a-crunching.9
deanforamericas a-rubbing.8
izquierdos a-grunting.7
zeegerman17s a-massaging.6
peacewillcomes a-swimming.5 green
sweetpluvbug339s.4 squeaking
thewolfman04s.3 French
tomshardwares.2 donkey
geni_ratto05s.And a
lokevin in a durian tree.Another fun meme brought to you by
So i don't know who "deanforamerica's" are and i don't know who "tomshardware's" are either............but the rest of those are great! Gave me a little chuckle! tee hee tee hee. Oh and ps......the "4 thewolfman04's squeeking" would actually be dying and shouting sounds or mortal peril and pain because i would be giving him the biggest midget ass whooping of his pathetic hairy life....just fyi!