if you relied on this LJ for sustenance, you'd be dead already.

Nov 02, 2008 11:39

Wow I've been neglecting this thing! Remember the days when you used to hear from me like 2, 3 times a day, likely thinking "Damn dude, you're filling up my friends page!" Well, clearly those days are no more. It looks as though the last time I even hinted at telling you what I've been up to was prior to heading to Indiana for the DCI World Championships, which was early August. Damn. Interestingly enough, i just caught wind that in addition to NaNoWriMo, some have dubbed November NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month). I'm already a day late and a dollar short if I were to try to post every day this month, but maybe i'll at least try for NaWeBloPoMo (...Weekly...)

I've also got various content on other piece of the web, supplied by myself and others, so perhaps this'll be a bit of a clip show. Let's see, like I said, Megan and I went to Indiana for the Drum Corps International World Championships. I wrote about that here and here and here, with pictures here

Shortly thereafter the school year begun, which kept me busy with Welcome Week and FallFest almost immediately following. A few weeks ago was Fall Break, during which Megan and I, for the 2nd year in a row, went west to the mountains of NC for fall colors and such. We went to the Boone area this time as opposed to Asheville last year, but we ended up at or around Grandfather Mountain both times. This year was hella cold, but still a good time, and we got to catch up with our friend Dianna who is in school up at App State. We went up and down part of the Blue Ridge Parkway and attended the Woolly Worm Festival as well. Megan wrote all about it (and posted pictures) here.

It's a busy time in sports. I started my annual "Baseball's actually important" caring drive back in late September or so and was treated to a playoff season full of home teams--the Red Sox, the Phillies, and the Rays. While I'm not a fan of the Phillies, I'm a fan of Philadelphia, so truthfully the Phillies winning it all and bringing a championship to Philly in 100 sports seasons (25 years x 4 major sports) felt just as good, if not better, to me than when the Red Sox reversed the curse back in '04.

USF, on the other hand, is in the midseason slump that seems to be annual now. Boo.

I made a whirlwind trip to DC last weekend because my friend Kat, who lives in Germany and was our exchange student back in high school, was in the states. She got as close as DC and I figured if she can cross the daggone ocean I can drive a few hours. I actually ended up making the whole 10+ hour round trip in one day, and it wasn't too bad. I also got to catch up with Kate and Brian, also friends from high school who I hadn't seen in nearly a decade, and Dion, Carey, and Aundria.

Which I suppose brings us to the present. We hosted a Halloween party in our new house this weekend. It was definitely good times. I was a vampire, although my teeth didn't want to stay put. Megan was Sonny Bono.

And that more or less brings you up to date... can't promise when the next time'll be, so savor this one!
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