It's meme-alicious!

Jan 06, 2007 21:44

We did it last year and probably that year before. That thing where you put the first sentence of each month from the previous year. I'm only doing the public posts. And here's 2006:

January: I may have to retire the icon i'm using now.
February: Every once in a while, an event comes together, or an offer goes through, or you see a student actually get it, and it makes all that we do in student affairs worth it.
March: If you speak drummer, you got that.
April: I had the opportunity to see my aunt yesterday.
May: As I'm sure all of my black-and-gold-blooded Retrievers are well aware, UMBC men's and women's lacrosse teams are the America East regular season champions, and won the right to host the conference championship this weekend.
June: Carolina Hurricanes--2006 Eastern Conference Champions and en route to the Stanley Cup Finals.
July: This is the wedding itself.
August: That was very Wilbon of me.
September: I figure I should get back in the habit of updating regularly, besides, I know y'all miss me when I don't!
October: So I've talked about it, pondered it, but hadn't actaully made it happen.
November: My mouth is watering.
December: I found this while checking out my LJ from this time last year:

In other news, I'm watching Seahawks vs. Cowboys. Obviously you know who I'm rooting for. Should both the Eagles and Cowboys win out, we meet again in the NFC Championship game. This has the potential to be really bad or really good. If we win, a clean sweep of the Cowbobys, besting the NFC championship game, and of course, heading to the Super Bowl. Should we lose, it's a loss in the NFC Championship game, the Cowboys beating us, and then THEM heading to the Super Bowl. So let's hope they get stopped somewhere along the way. Like tonight.

I'm always tempted to call the Cowboys the Cowgirls as many do, but I don't want to insult girls like that.

On the AFC side o things, next week let's hope Baltimore whoops up on the team that ran out of town.

football, meme, cowboys, review, sports

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