More Fuck Bush fodder

Feb 06, 2006 22:50

As most of you know, my girlfriend spent the better part of a year doing national community service with Americorps *National Civilian Community Corps (*NCCC). It wsa an amazing experience for her and her team- and programmates and they were able to make a difference working in various locations on the West coast and in Pensacola, FL assisting victims of Hurricane Ivan. Her placement site, Sacramento, was one of many throughout the United States serving communities across this great nation.

Despite giving lip service to the value of youths engaging in national service last year, the president's proposed budget clearly doesn't put its money where his mouth is, cutting 50mil from the Corporation for National Community Service, effectively ending this program.

Below is a portion of Megan's LJ account of the same bullshit. The full entry can be found here. Please check it out and sign the petition--but don't stop there. If you feel this is a program worth saving, certainly holla at your representatives and what-not as well.

So in the President's proposed budget there are 50 million dollar cuts to the Corporation for National Community Service.

as a result of this, David Eisner, CEO of the corporation is going to have to shut down the AmeriCorps *NCCC program.
the letter from David Eisner is here:

if you want updates and information from members check out the community

please, pass this on if you know anyone who would be interested in this information.
an online petition has been set up here:

politics, hate

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