Say "words!" in the comments and I'll respond with 5 words that I associate with you. Write something about them in your LJ.
thomryng FATE
Those subtle little milestones you hit throughout your life that make you pause, look at it and go "...huh". It could be something big, like getting married or a death in the family. It could be something small, like a kitten yawning at you. But it will always leave a mark, teach you something you never knew before. It might just take a bit of pondering to understand it.
Pick up a pencil. Pull out a piece of paper. Put the tip of the pencil to the paper and close your eyes. Clear your mind then move the pencil around. Now open your eyes and look at what you have created. Understand?
Green. Old live oak trees that talk to you if you know how to listen. History. Dripping spanish moss that house jiggers so don't touch! Beautiful and ugly accents. Smiles, fake and real. Ghosts. LOTS of ghosts. A rich feeling that you have to experience to understand.
Everyone owns them. Everyone has a pair. Learning what your wings are and what they do will go a long way to understanding yourself. Do you soar? Do you glide? Do you give quick, short snaps to take you strongly from one point to the next? Be careful though, they are delicate. Work them too hard or in a manner they weren't meant for and they can break.
This was said about a spaceship, but I see it as applicable to life as well. Ironically, the spaceship's name was Serenity. "Love. Can know all the math in the 'verse but take a boat in the air that you don't love? She'll shake you off just as sure as a turn in the worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughtta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home."