Sleeping's become one of my new hobbies, second only to sticking out my tongue. My new-found pleasure in napping seems to make Mommy and Daddy quite happy. And truth be told, being well-rested makes me happy, too. See?
The drawback to all this sleeping is that I miss out on all sorts of neat things. For example, last Saturday evening, we met up with
eastbayted, Jason, and Gail to celebrate Jason's birthday. I slept at the restaurant, so I didn't get a formula milkshake. I slept at the book store/Starbucks, so I didn't get a Formulaccino. And then Mommy and Daddy took me home, so I didn't get to see the Russian vampire movie!
Ah well. At least I got to watch Mommy demonstrating the proper tummy-time technique the other day. That was good for a giggle!