Title: The Lonely Heights
rustydogCharacters: Jack
Rating: G
Spoilers: New Who 2x07
Summary: In June 1953, Jack is working in London... a few days late.
Notes: Written for
tw100 challenge 131, BBC One. Doctor Who crossover, contains references to "
The Idiot's Lantern."
Jack was on loan to Torchwood One, discreetly installing signal filters in dozens of Magpie's television sets. The more he heard about this Wire fiasco, the more it sounded like a pot the Doctor had been stirring. Then, near Alexandra Palace, Jack talked to a man who'd seen a daft bloke with a copper coil, climbing the transmission mast during the coronation.
So Jack found himself climbing up, too. He didn't expect to find clues, but if he could just stand here high above London, grasping the same bars the Doctor had held, maybe...
Maybe he would feel less alone.