Torchwood drabble: Owen Rex

Jan 20, 2009 01:09

Title: Owen Rex
Author: rustydog
Characters: Owen
Rating: G
Spoilers: 2x13 Exit Wounds
Note: Written for tw100's challenge #104, "politics"

Owen had studied weevils. He couldn't discern a social order; they weren't motivated by the subtle politics of dominance and submission. They were opportunistic feeders, didn't hoard resources, so cutting off their supply never made a useful impression. The only thing they understood was old fashioned, flesh-and-bone force. He figured since their world was chaos and aggression, they couldn't be handled any other way.

That was, until he saw them bow to their king. Owen wondered fleetingly if he could ever expect their fealty. No matter. For now, fearful respect would get him where he needed to go.

weevils, fic, torchwood, owen harper, drabble

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