Title: Soaked
Author: rustydog (
LJ |
Characters: Rhys
Rating: G
Notes: Set between Children of Earth & Miracle Day. Written for
tw100 challenge #213 Pear-shaped
Rhys had planned every detail: when Gwen returned, the baby would be sleeping, clean as a whistle; wine and dinner on the table; romantic music cued; after dinner they'd dance under the fairy lights he had pilfered from the Christmas box.
He was just putting a dish in the oven when there came an enormous clap of thunder, Anwen's wail... and the lights flickered out. Rhys groaned. Birthday plans soaked.
Well, they had candles. He could bounce the baby while they danced, they could even try a bit of a capella- no, he'd heard Gwen sing. Just the candles, then.