Title: Rocking Dawn
rustydogCharacters: Abby, Jenny, creature
Ratings/warnings: rated G, syrupy sweet
Notes: Written for
primeval100 challenge 149, Rock. Featuring Dawn, the infant Hyracotherium resulting from
this story. Thanks to
canadian_jay for the cute name!
"Bottle's in the fridge, microwave for twenty-five seconds!" Abby had instructed Jenny hurriedly as she ran off after the anomaly alarm. Again.
Really, they didn't have any other staff for feeding the ARC's wildlife? But when the tiny foal reared up, placed its front hooves on her leg and began sucking on one of Jenny's fingers... well, she wasn't made of stone. She warmed the milk, settled the baby in the crook of her arm, and instinctively began to rock as it drank greedily from the bottle.
"Blacks and bays, dapples and grays..." she sang softly, smiling despite herself.
* This is a traditional American lullaby, so I'm going to make the wild claim that Jenny knew someone in her childhood who was a Peter, Paul and Mary fan. Or that she has a deep, dark, secret Judy Collins addiction. *g*