So did anyone else go to Scene this year?
Well i did and i had a BLAST. I'm so glad i'm finally 19.
Hung out with Keshi, and her sister Becky all day, from about 10am till 3am aprox.
Went and saw a bunch of bands as always, but thats the Point of Scene.
Went and saw, Hardcore Warrior my friends band. He played a good set over all execpt his transmitter kept falling off...
Went and saw Everlea, their set Kicked so much hardcore ass. It was so great, hung out got to talk with the members. Chilled out with them for a bit and got some pictures with most of the band. Got a Tee shirt signed by them and bought a CD, something i had been wanting to do since last year's scene.
Me hugging the lead singer ,
Me with the whole bandanother band we went and saw was Shade, good set with interesting people. I've talked with them over Myspace before so it was nice to actually get to see them all irl for a change...
Went and saw the Ceremonial Snip's, i was quite surprised i got in considering other years the venues were packed, But then again they were small venues... I finally got a picture of
me and Ricky [Eric] from the snips, but then again he was sober still at this point XD.
Saw a Band from MB, called The Perms. They put on a good set it was over all interesting, sat and had a drink with the drummer after there set, also got a picture of me with him.
John from The Perms, had a nice conversation with him and he seems like a very intelligent guy.
Well Keshi and i had some fun in the Market square, while her sister Becky was in the Alexisonfire set. Well we saw this cut out where you take your picture with your head in it...well we had a little fun and used it.
Me and
Kelsey that was so much fun for about what 30 seconds XD
So anyways after the Alexisonfire set, we took her sister home so we as 19 year old's could have some fun with people are own age area.
We decided to go have some fun, the resualt was us drinking, meeting up with a bunch of people i know from past concerts, and old acquaintances. So we all chilled out together and had a couple drinks till my friends went out for air and well never came back XD cause they were tired of sitting at L3, well Kelsey and i took off, and went to The Office, where the Perms were playing. we sat there the rest of the night, where we each put back another drink and got some food and watched 3 bands before bar closing. As we were waiting for our ride (My parents) Kelsey had, had two too many drinks XD so she was tipping all over the place. Well i kept making the disposable camera's flash go off just to bug her, well she ended up falling the rail thing we had been sitting on. It was funny, but over all our night was alot of fun.
As soon as i get my set of the photo's from her disposiable cammera i'll post some of them up but for now i'll post the last 3 funny ones up.
One is of Kelsey after she fell off the while rail thing behind her, the other is of her with her beer. The one of me was one that she dared me to take, the beer in my hand is not mine but hers, the glass is My vodka and Iced tea...
Kelsey fell down and went boomKelsey & BeerMe with Beer & VodkaFun fun fun times, well i gotta go for now. Prolly gonna be a while before i update yea dont expect anything else too soon...