(no subject)

Aug 19, 2008 09:41

 sick sick sick.

can't work out how to analyse ELISA results, should ask simon, but going to ask tim cause his way's better and he's less scarey than english man.

plan for the next 2 weeks:

today-fri:  work really hard on a) analysing many results (esp. facs) and b) getting better

early sat morning: train to sydney

less early on sat morning: plane

sat day and night: see mummy and daddy, then play super happy twin birthday fun

early sun morning: continue super happy twin birthday fun

sun afternoon: plane home

sun night: sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep

very early monday morning: *somehow* get to camberra

mon-wed: genotype

wed night: come home

thurs: pretend to work

thrus night: sydney!!! see kooks, love boyfriend

fri: call in very sick then enjoy hotel and laying about etc with boy

sat and sun: continue enjoying laying about etc, possibly shop

mon: fall into 100 year sleep
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