Jun 29, 2009 23:13
sooo today rocked..
not really.
I get a message from jenn telling me that i needed to get food yesterday. So i got my ass up at 8:45 and on the road by 9:30.
however, i get a call from jenn at 9 saying donna was sending over another catering order.
so we didn't get that order till like 9:30 and i got to southchase and back up to kirkman by 10:30
jenn had just about everything packed for me. the 2nd order needed to be there at 11:15, in winter park. so i get my ice teas and ice and loaded the car and drove my happy ass up there.
and i get there and get my shit loaded in in about 20 mins. and i come back down... and my car is being towed.
I was like "are you kidding me"
so i immediately call jenn to let her know. and the guy was like "you don't need to be talking on the phone, you need to be talking to me to find out how to get your car back" and jenn heard all of this.. i told him that "yes, i do need to be talking to my manager because i'm on her clock right now, and somebody has to pay the bill and i certainly don't have the money to pay for it. The tow guy was like why didn't you park in a space? and i told him i was making a catering delivery and he was like ohhhh medical delivery? and i said no, catering. I've been to that location several times before (in fact i think that's the first place i've delivered to) i've parked there before and never had any problems.
he sees the remnants of stickers on my car from the code enforcement and said "ohh i see you've had trouble with this sort of thing before" and i told him no, that actually had to do with my landlord. I've never had this happen before. There weren't any no parking signs posted there. He said i should have known and it was common sense and it was a fire lane. I pointed to the red curb and no parking signs 50 ft from where i was and said, actually that's down there.. there's nothing about it over here. and he had me take the parking break off so he didn't smoke my tires all the way down there. and so i went to unlock my door and it wouldn't unlock. so i went to the passenger side. and got my gun out and water bottle and apple. I should have just sat in the car.
I was on the phone with the asshole property manager. he did nothing, so i'm writing that company a letter. He was like "so, what do you want me to do about it?" i told him he needs to be aware how rude the tow guy is, first of all. That he's out of control (he, himself told me he towed the van of a guy with no legs, because his handicap tag wasn't visible.) The people who work there told me he's been towing elderly people all week long. The guy told me i was blocking the medical vans and busses from droppign patients off. I left enough space for a full buss to get down there, and the whole thing was a ramp, so it's not like a blocked one little handicap ramp or something. It was a non issue.
it's kind of like parking in the space next to a handicap spot and getting the $200 fine, because it was close to the building and the one next to it was handicapped. I should have known that one was too... even though it didn't have a sign or anything to indicate so.
So i sat there about an hour and waited for someoen from work to come pick me up. Jenn and i spent all afternoon on the phone with the building management, the tow company, bob, and donna.
Then the order donna had me deliver was the wrong food. so she made jenn promo a bunch of stuff after the fact. Finally around 4, once i talked to property management, and they didn't budge.. bob gave the ok to give the money to me to get my car. but we didn't want to get it out and then have the property management do something... it would have been near impossible to get the money back then.
So leo comes and we drove around a half hour looking for the place.
Bob talked to the tow company on the phone and agreed that the guy was an asshole.
leo and i finally find the place tucked against i4, on columbia st, behind some trees. thankfully the guy waited past closing when we told him we were on the way. When i asked about my lock he said it's probably just a mechanical thing blah blah blah, i could have gone under your car and released the car, but i was just feeling lazy. I had no reason to touch your lock.
So i had jay look at it when i got back to the store and he's like... "yeah there's a latch in there... and that sort of thing doesn't really just happen without the help of a slim jim."
so i'm calling the better business bureau over this. I fully agree if i had parked in front of the no parking signs.. tow me.
but as i told him. "i'm not some drunk college girl parking in the middle of the road on a friday night, i'm working, doing a delivery. I go to these buildings every day. If they say no parking, i don't park. A lot of them have 15 minute loading zone signs right there.
or no parking.
one or the other.
i've done my fair share of hiking across parking lots and am not doing it if i don't have to.
so. grrr to that.
had ruby tuesday not paid for the towing, today would have been my last day there
so i get back to work (only 5 mins late for my dinner shift!... they understood very well though) and then i worked till close... and made 20 bucks.
on my 197 in sales (before taxes) yes that is a whole lot of nothing. yes, it is 10 percent, if you tip before taxes.
8percent if you tip after taxes.
that was fun. at least it was easy.
then i took my 20 dollars and went to taco bell, even though i wasn't really hungry because i talked jay into letting me have a burger bun.
i've just been cravign it, so i got a cheesey bean and rice burrito and a bean burrito. i had half of my bean burrito tonight, just to satisfy my craving till the morning. when i will have them for breakfast when i'm hungry.
today sucked.
at least i had support. and come 4:00 i was in a much better mood. despite my nap that i didn't get to take due to towmaster orlando.
the goal of the week is to clean out my car. i think wednesday inbetween shifts i'm going to go to the cleaning place next to work and vaccuum it and wash it and everything.
i'm not terribly happy on my 20 dollars today. that sucked.
i essentially worked 9:30 -3 for like 40 bucks. plus i had 2 hours of 8/hr in there (ish)
and then worked 5:50-10:30 for 20 bucks.
yay work.
i need a new job but i just don't know what i want to do.
in other news, i think i was sleepwalking last night. I dont' know if i fell asleep before i actually got to bed or if i got up in the night but i vaguely remember reaching into my sock cubby and pulling for a pair.. it had to specifically not be a work pair and i didn't know why but whyever i was doing it i regained my slight conciousness and was like no, i don't need to wear socks to bed. and set them down on the side table..
and they were there this morning.
so i don't know what that was about. but i don't need to be starting this sleepwalking nonsense again.