Boreder than Bored because I have no work what universe am I in?!?!?!

May 10, 2005 15:08

1) I spent 6th and 7th period today doing nothing. Well, ok in English we had to write a poem but then I had nothing to do for the other 38 minutes and 30 seconds. I HATE DOING NOTHING IT WAS SO WEIRD!!
2) Allergies are a bitch. Stupid male trees pollinating everywhere....*achoo*
3) Am still glowing a bit from the good news yesterday, but maintaining modest exterior (hehehe)
4) Drama is muy muy fun now that we are finally doing stuff (FINALLY). We sat outside today and I did my presentation thing....I think it went well...Mrs. Warren was smiling and I got to gush on and on about my sentimentalness (sentimentality? sentimentalosity?) .... and Drama Mamas rock. So much.
5) Can't decide if I really like listing things or if I just can't stop
6) Rehearsal tonight for Sunday :) Speaking of which, I was planning on selling ads right now, seeing as I have pretty much no work tonight--again. I need to get on that.

Go and have some fun, it's spring dammit!!


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