Apr 05, 2005 23:10
My imitation of what the rest of the school year will probably feel like. Yeesh. Hopefully I'm not the only one who feels like everything is going crazy. I don't know where to begin trying to destress myself; there are so many different things to worry about.
-APs are in a month. No, less than that. This is extremely bad news. I am really really really worried that I will completely crack under pressure while taking the English and not be able to finish my essays. The first part is multiple choice and easy and, because I love dissecting language so very much, frankly quite fun. And note my use of anaphora in that sentence--or parentheses?!?! Oh god. The hard part is finishing 3 "well-written" essays (like if they didn't put those words in the instructions you might not do it, being an overachiever in English and all) in 2 hours. That sounds like a lote but IT IS NOT!!! Am feeling very, very stupid. I can't even begin to think about American. I think I may just get the test, chuckle to myself, draw some pretty pictures and hand it back.
-Oh dear quarter grades are in by Wednesday. Horror of horrors. I know I did abyssmally in math because of the last test (speaking of horrors, I don't feel like getting into it) I am farily certain that I did not do well in Spanish because I cannot speak or write in Spanish very well period, I have a beautiful beautiful grade in English, I fear terribly for my American grade because Ms. Thompson has a ridiculously arbitrary grading system, and my Physics grade dropped just slightly which is pissing me off. SPeaking of which I have a test tomorrow.BLAHHHH
-WHY MUST EVERYONE BRING UP PROM ALL THE TIME? It's so far away...I don't feel like thinking about it and I don't get what the big deal is. How much can you discuss all the little details and stuff? It feels like everyone is talking about it constantly. The best part is the dress, which I want whether or not I decide to go. And....yeah. It's gettin on my nerves. For no apparent reason.
-I still have no idea what to do this summer. I have several options but I don't know exactly what I want and so I can't make any kind of decisions. And now I'm too tired to list everything. Meh. I'll do it tomorrow, along with my English paper, American homework, my lab, etc
-I have been vascillating shamelessy in deciding whether or not I want to do the 24-hour musical at LVP this weekend. I basically am, but I've been having lots of second thoughts and....ahhhh I'm not going to drive myself crazy with it right now.
I could use some kind of pick-me-up, although my luck has turned around considerably since Sunday. *shudder.* I need some sleep, actuallly. I haven't been sleeping well or very much lately. I hate being tired sooooo much. I like being perky and fun.
Yay for wave interference!!