May 15, 2005 11:08

So my mom is doing a lot better now, she is stuck taking blood pressure medicine forever now. She's not happy with that but what can you do?

Now, for the GOD DAMNIT part of my jounral. Around December of last year I got summoned for federal jury duty but got it postponed because of school, well my mom checked the mail this morning(wasn't checked yesterday)and what do I get? Summoned for federal jury duty again, but I don't have to go in on the first day I'm suppose to call in every day FOR A GOD DAMN month. All of July I basically can't do anything because i'm ON CALL for jury duty from July 5th-July 29th. So pissed off!

I haven't see Damon in a month and i'm sad and i miss him. :( He'll be down memorial day weekend and then i'm going back up to school with him for a week until he's done with school on the 10th.

It is almost a month my birthday! Vegas here I come!

Now I am off to do mounds and mounds of homework, projects, etc that are due tomorrow. One final done with tomorrow after that one on the 23rd and one on the 25th....oh next week hurry up and be here.

Take Care.
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