
May 15, 2010 00:21

Hello world, Welcome to Chelsi's Amazing Fantastic Incredible...er.....Blog.
Well maybe its not going to be all its cracked up to be. My life is honestly pretty simple. But i like it that way.
Tonight has been quite boring. I layed around and slept off cramps. Those are never fun. But then I took a nice bubble bath.
Im really hoping this weekend is great, a fresh start for so many things. Wish me luck.

My new "thing of the moment" is that i want to learn four new things each and everyday: One about myself One about someone you love One about the world and One about a stranger.And my livejournal seems to be the perfect palce to record these revelations
so here goes my tiny tidbits for today. (alliteration some how makes me smile :)
Me: letting things certain things get you down is a choice. For the first time i didnt let certain things get me down. I am growing stronger each and everyday
Someone I love:A conversation is only uncomfortable if you make it uncomfortable. Someone i love surprised the hell out of me by carrying a conversation that would be taboo to some many people with grace and maturitity. Bravo!
The world:Sometimes things happen that you said would never happen,thats life. The faster you accept these things, the easier they are to get over.
A stranger :Never be intimidated.

start fresh, simple, four, bath

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