Oct 17, 2010 19:12
Dear Dairy,
Life been up and down the last couple of weeks. I got a job interview which is good. I just pray to god that I get it. It would make life a hell of alot easier. Money has been tight this month. I have no idea what I am going to get james and kat for their birthdays. I stressing majorly about my dissatatation and nick and i are kinda off at the moment. I cant take nicks moaning and expectencey that i will provide for him any more. I worked hard to get were I am today. I been so bloody poor that I had nothing to eat. Grrrrr
On the plus side i been to a luconia coil concert, I am getting on with my distation and trying to be soclable. Have to try and see postive even when it is very diffiuclt.