Dec 24, 2002 14:02
Merry Christmas-Eve everyone! The holiday kind of rushed up on me, I can't believe that it's almost here. Granted, going to the mall yesterday made it seem a bit more real. Goodness! That place is a complete madhouse!! EEK!! I had an anxiety attack yesterday, i just felt so overwhelmed. Stupid crowded indoor malls. *lol* Can't wait till january! I am going on a shopping spree! Whee!
I hope everyone has a nice holiday. Shawn and I are tentatively on the mend. He gave me this gorgeous ring for Christmas, along with 2 new care bears and Lilo and Stitch on DVD! Whoo! That boy really knows me. Why then, can't we seem to work anything out?? Oh well. I got a card from Cary, she's a sweetheart. I can really relate to what she said, and it's helping me. We shall see what the new year brings, I suppose.
Here's a survey I stole from my buddy BabyHugs. :)
[my name is]: Calista
[in the morning I am]: Sleepy
[all I need is]: LOVE!
[love is]: Sweet, and worth the bullshit most of the time
[im afraid of]: escalators, spiders
[i dream aboout]: Success, happiness
-H A V E . Y O U . E V E R . .
[pictured your crush naked?]: Ummm...Shawn?
[actually seen your crush naked?]: Yeah
[been in love]: yes
[cried when someone died]: of course.
[lied]: Never! Well, just now...
-W H I C H . I S . B E T T E R-
[coke or pepsi?]: coke
[flowers or candy]: both
[tall or short]: taller than me
-W I T H . T H E . O P P O S I T E . S E X-
[what do you first notice?]: Shoulders, and face
[last person u slow danced with]: Goodness...Um...prom...Mark Schock
[worst question to ask?]: that one
-W H O-
[makes you laugh the most?]: Elise
[makes you smile]: A lot of things
[gives u a funny feeling when you see them]: tala
[do you have a crush on?]: Shawn...or Legolas, that hottie elf from LOTR
[has a crush on u?]: FRANK!
[easier to talk to?] Heidy
-D O . Y O U . E V E R-
[sit on the internet all night waiting for someone special to I.M u?]: no[save aol/aim conversations]: no
[wish u were a member of the opposite sex]: Yikes, no!
[cried because of someone saying something to u]: Yes
-H A V E . Y O U . E V E R-
[fallen for ur best friend]: Yes
[been rejected]: Of course
[rejected someone]: Yeah...
[used someone]: Really getting personal here, huh?? *lol*
[been cheated on]: YES!
[done something u regret]: Heh. yeah.
-W H O . W A S . T H E . L A S T . P E R S O N-
[u talked to on the phone]: Shawn (personal call...I am a part time phone operator, I'm on the phone all the time)
[u hugged]: Frank
[u instant messaged]: Tiana
[u laughed with]: Paul
-D O . Y O U-
[color ur hair]: Yes.
[ever get off the damn computer]: Yeah
[habla espanol]: poquito
-D O . Y O U / / A R E . Y O U-
[smoke ciggarettes]: nope.
[obsessive]: slightly
[could live without the computer?]: Not happily
[how many peeps are on your buddy list?]:47
[whats ur favorite food?]: fettuccine and fudgecicles
[whats ur favorite fruit?]: All of them
[drink alchohol?]: Yes, sometimes.
[like watching sunrise or sunset?]: Both
[what hurts the most?Physical pain or Emotional pain?]: Emotional, I can deal with physical.
[trust others way too easily?]: Yeah
-N U M B E R-
of times i've had my heart broken? : 2
of hearts I have broken? : 2
of boys I have kissed? : can't hold this against me: 31
of continents I have lived in? : one
of drugs I have taken illegally? : 4
of tight friends? : 10 tops
of cd's that I own? : 139
of scars on my body? : 6
of things in my past I regret? : See some previous answers.
I KNOW: How to tie my shoes
I WANT: To be sleeping
I HAVE: to mail out my phone payment
I WISH: For me and Shawn to be ok
I HATE: the drama in my life right now
I MISS: My Oppa
I FEAR: Never being able to stand up for myself.
I HEAR: Christmas carols
I SEARCH: For that really cute "boob" shirt that I am missing
I WONDER: How my Wennie is
I REGRET: 11th grade, hurting Eddie
I LOVE: Shawn, my friends, my family, being relatively healthy
I ACHE: Constantly. Damn fibromyalgia
I CARE: So much it hurts
I ALWAYS: Want to do better
I AM NOT: Fickle
I SING: In the shower
I CRY: too much!
I DO NOT ALWAYS: Take my medicine
I FIGHT: with Shawn a lot
I WRITE: letters, in my blog, in my journal, emails...
I WIN: the hearts of many
I LOSE: at Scrabble...and Monopoly...and Clue...
I LISTEN: to whomever needs to talk
I NEED: Sleep
I AM HAPPY ABOUT: Being alive and having the wonderful friends I do, both online and off
I SHOULD: tell someone I love them
I hope everyone is doing well. I love you guys, and Merry Christmas!