(no subject)

Apr 17, 2010 01:43

AGE: 22
JOURNAL: emeralddarkness
IM: AIM; ceruleangarnet
E-MAIL: blue.crystalwing AT gmail DOT com
RETURNING: Returning! 2; Terry McGinnis/Batman, DARTH VADER

FANDOM: Ace Attorney
CHRONOLOGY: Ace Attorney Investigations; towards the beginning of Turnabout Reminiscence (game 5; case 4)
CLASS: Brat Hero
SUPERHERO NAME: Perfect Prosecutor
ALTER EGO: Franziska von Karma, the perfect daughter of the perfect Manfred von Karma and successor of his perfect legacy in just a few days now....

BACKGROUND:The world that Phoenix Wright it set in seems to be a few years into the future of our world... almost. The main differences are a few of the countries - they have countries there that don't exist, but which appear to have been around for a while.

The other slight difference is that everyone in the entire world seems to be obsessed with the law. Also no violent crime exists unless it includes murder and parents really frequently give their kids names that are horrible puns....

Not a lot is known about Franziska's past. She is the second daughter of Manfred von Karma, a feared prosecutor who in 40 years never once lost a case, and the daughter a practically-jailbait student of Manfred's who may or may not have been his wife - according to 19 year old Miles, said student was "junior to him"... which seems to mean she'd be a young 19 at the very oldest. At the time Franziska was born, Manfred would have been 48. What happened to Manfred's student after she gave birth is never mentioned - indeed, she herself is never mentioned again. Anywhere. By anyone. It is thus fair to assume that she was a complete non-presence in the lives of Franziska and Miles. Whether she died, left, ran off, or her and Manfred were divorced is unknown, but it's likely that one of those things, or at least something similar, happened very early in Franziska's life.

Franziska's mother's age makes it highly unlikely that both daughters have the same mother, instead the first daughter of von Karma is likely Franziska's half sister. The older von Karma daughter is only really mentioned in the GS2 fanbook, but when Franziska was 17 she was old enough to have a daughter herself, and said daughter was old enough to have a pet dog.


Franziska was born in 1999, presumably in Germany. Around 2-3 years later, Gregory Edgeworth was killed in the DL-6 incident. Manfred took his son, Miles Edgeworth, who was then 8 or 9, into his custody and returned with him to Germany. It is unknown whether he legally adopted Miles or not - Miles did, however, retain the last name of 'Edgeworth.' Make of it what you will. In any case, Manfred raised Miles from that point on, and managed to change Miles's ambition of becoming a defense attorney to its polar opposite, becoming a prosecuting attorney, quickly enough that Miles passed the bar exam at age 19. Franziska, at 13, was just a few steps behind him; it was likely the story of her childhood.

The summer that Franziska was 13 and shortly before she passed the bar exam, Miles was scheduled for his first trial. Manfred flew over to observe, and as Franziska was on summer vacation, she came with him. The trial ended up canceled due to the double homicide of the former prosecuting attorney and the defendant, which spoiled those plans. However, Manfred decided to allow Miles (and Franziska, at her insistence) to run the investigation. Franziska proposed that, instead of working together, they treat the investigation as a contest. Whoever perfectly found the truth first was the one really worthy of the von Karma legacy.

And then she gets pulled into the city.

PERSONALITY:In the simplest of terms, Franziska is a brat.

She has been trained, probably for longer than she can remember, into thinking that perfection is the only acceptable option in anything. She has been raised with the idea that she is the daughter of the perfect Manfred von Karma, and almost certainly that she is special and a prodigy and destined for great things (likely as soon as she proved she did have a head on her and people started paying attention to her). She has been raised to think meanly of everyone else in the world - they aren't perfect after all. She'd been raised to be competitive as well, because being a prosecutor is a competitive profession, and since clearly she is destined to be the best....

Well then, there's nothing wrong with a bit of a condescending attitude, is there?

Of course, under that veneer of superiority is a uncertainty about her situation in general. Her father was perfect, yes, but is she? Can she really prove herself worthy of her father - worthy of her name? It's pretty deep in her psyche, this insecurity, deep enough that she doesn't really realize it's there. Still, it nonetheless is, and will manifest itself in competitiveness. If she's better than everyone, she'd best prove it. On the same note, though this is partially in emulation of her father, she dislikes relying on anyone and dislikes sharing her spotlight - it'd better be about her.

Franziska is used to getting her own way - one way or another. She carries a riding crop that she is not afraid to use in most situations - whenever she's frustrated, annoyed, when she feels not enough attention is being paid to her, or just when anything she doesn't like is going on. This doesn't mean that she'll always use the crop on the target of her annoyance - more often than not when a child or woman is involved, Miles seems to become her/their whipping boy, and she'll abuse him instead.

She is smart, abusive, determined, stubborn and bossy, and in the manner of many spoiled brats (or 13 year olds, come to that) she wants everything to be about her. And you'd better be treating her as an adult, she considers herself better than most adults anyway. And you had better not comment on her height. It's something of a sore subject.

Franziska at age 13 is less mature than Franziska at age 18, which is no real surprise. She also has a talent for the ridiculous, and for making things ridiculous, and being totally serious about it. Heaven help you if you tell her she's being ridiculous - not she ISN'T, and she'll drive that statement home with her riding crop.

Franziska clearly respects her father highly - she always speaks highly of him, and at age 13, she appears to be enamored with him. However, there's never much information given of his treatment of her. She may have been Daddy's little Princess, but it seems more likely that he was a terror of a father and that she was never enough because she was never perfect. After all, her and Miles were raised together, they studied the same subjects together, and she seems to have always been just a half step behind Miles, which led her father to pay more attention to him and less to her. This made her want to beat Miles at everything, to prove her superiority once and for all so that she might gain her father's approval. Perhaps partially because of this, Franziska - especially at 13 - seems to take her tone for most things from her father. Everything must be perfect and it must be perfect now; everything hinges on perfection. This also confuses her relationship with Miles some - she seems to love and kind of hate him at the same time. It makes sense though, as she does so try to do what her Papa does, but at the same time, it was unlikely that Franziska and Miles had much beyond each other growing up.

They were raised under the same roof, at least after Miles was brought back by Manfred, and began studying law together at a shockingly young age - in addition to attending a more typical school. When you consider this, let alone when you add Manfred, it's not unreasonable to assume that Franziska never really had a childhood, and if Miles had one, it was before he was taken in by Manfred. They're rather close as a result, but fiercely competitive, and Franziska is forever trying to prove herself superior. As part of her attempt to do so, she will occasionally refer to Miles as 'little brother' - despite being 6 years younger than he is.

In short: she is an obnoxious brat, used to getting her own way and who loudly states her superiority over... well, everyone really. But underneath all of that she's still just a little girl who is mostly convinced that she'll never be what she's supposed to be and that her father will never love her as a result. Von Karmas may be perfect, but nobody ever said it was easy to be one of them.

POWER:As Franziska does not have any superhuman abilities in canon, the only powers she'll have in the city are those that the porter grants.

The first power that was granted to her is secretly canon, honest functions like a very selective kind of charisma. After all, for all she can do, Franziska is still only 13. This is where that power comes in.

If there is something that she really wants to do or really needs to do, her age will be a non-factor in any potential arguments against her doing so. Therefore, should she prosecute a trial or investigate a murder scene, there will be no cries of "Hey wait you can't do that you're only 13 years old." Any other potential arguments ("Hey you're too short to drive"; "This area is police only- HEY STOP HITTING ME") will be unaffected, but no one will bring up the fact that she's 13 years old to stop her doing something.

Her second power is something that we all wish we could do at one time or another - punch whip people over the internet/communicators/telephone lines/etc.

No one is safe.

Finally, I'd like to bring back a third power that she didn't have last time she was here - controlling the winds. It'd be semi-uncontrollable, though easier to direct with a whip or whip like object (aka anything that can leave a welt). And no she wouldn't be able to wind-whip through phonelines.

[There is a very annoyed looking young teenager or maybe preteen glaring into the camera. She is dressed like she was planning on going riding - admittedly, they are very fancy riding clothes, but still appear to fit the type. The impression is heightened by the riding crop that she's holding.]

Where am I? Who kidnapped me? I demand that you send me home immediately. If you're smart and do as you're told then maybe you'll be lucky and I'll go easy on you. As you've hardly demonstrated any sign of intelligence thus far, now might be a good time to start. But rest assured if you don't, my Papa will have no difficulties whatsoever in finding me. And, once he does, he will punish you all perfectly, and perfectly prosecute the case against you!

Your computer was hardly helpful, if I were you I'd have it checked for bugs. Hmph. Just because no one here has the competence to carry out what tasks they have presumably been assigned to is no excuse for such sloppy programming. I don't know what it meant by hero, but I have more important things to be doing than correcting your errors. I have a contest to win, and a bar exam to pass.

Now let me go, or I'll hunt you down and whip you until you do! Perfectly, as is befitting for a von Karma.

LOGS POST (THIRD PERSON) SAMPLE:Franziska felt awfully pathetic, hiding under her covers with a heavy law book and a flashlight, carefully struggling through some of the complex Latin phrases that she was... not incapable of translating (perfect people were incapable of nothing) but which were giving her rather a lot of trouble. More trouble than they should - she'd slipped up, she hadn't been studying as she should ever since coming here, Papa would be so disappointed. The problem was with Miles.

In a way, Franziska had always been left in the shadow of her little brother - not that he was really her brother, he was, after all, Miles Edgeworth and thus automatically and infinitely inferior to anyone who was a von Karma by birth. But that was part of the problem. If he was as inferior as anyone with sense would be able to tell you that he was, then why was he so good at everything? He wasn't supposed to be half so talented or smart or beautiful (well all right, she was more beautiful, but he was still rather handsome in his suits - more when he had lived with Papa, and Papa had seen to it that he was perfectly dressed, but even still) as she was, because he was not a von Karma.

Except maybe he was supposed to be, because hadn't Papa raised him too? Sometimes at night, after everyone else was sleeping, Franziska would lie awake and stare up without really seeing anything and wonder if perhaps she weren't the inferior one. She was always just a little slower, always half a step - or two whole steps, or three, or yards and yards - behind Miles Edgeworth. Always behind him, in everything.

Which wasn't how it was supposed to be. But it was, so clearly somebody was wrong about something.

Except, of course, there was no way for anyone to be wrong. She was supposed to be better than Miles Edgeworth, that was that, so she just needed to keep on going until she could prove that she was. Which brought up the problem with studying, which was why she was hiding under her covers at night with the law books she needed to read.

Miles had seemed to catch on very quickly back home, but they'd been closer in level. Here he was years older than he had any right to be and had been a successful (though not perfect, hah, it proved that he was flawed) prosecuting attorney for years. This gave him an unfair advantage, but never one that Franziska, because she was perfect, would admit to. Let him have all the advantages he wanted, she would still prove herself superior.

But if he knew these books inside and out, knew them by heart almost, then how could she go and study them where anyone could see that she was studying and still maintain that illusion, no, the reality that had to be presented, that she was better?

It was getting very late, and Franziska's eyes were tired of all the small print - but she had not yet perfectly mastered all the concepts that this chapter spoke of, so she couldn't stop yet. But maybe she could get herself a glass of water - it would be a small break disguised as necessity, and would maybe wake her up a little. Perfect people really shouldn't be this tired when they still had learning to do, she could sleep once she'd perfectly absorbed all the facts that were there for the absorbing. But water first.

The teenager clicked off the flashlight and crawled out from under the blankets surreptitiously, then slid to the floor and made for the kitchen, head still swimming with Latin phrases and footnotes. This should only take a minute.

FINAL NOTES ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER:Franziska may be a bratty 13 year old, but she is a prodigy. She DOES pass the bar exam not long after when she's pulled, then goes undefeated in court for 5 years - until the first time she meets Phoenix Wright, actually. She knows legal theory very well and, though she jumps to conclusions, is still fairly observant and good at getting the facts and her theories to agree with each other.

She's fluent in a minimum of German and English, and given the fact that Miles also seems to know French, it's not unreasonable to assume that she is also at least partially fluent in French. She likely knows some Latin, from the study of Law, and probably has at least some knowledge of Italian and Spanish - they're European countries, the languages are Latin based and so would be easier to pick up, and in order to be perfect you would have to be able to speak them in case you ever needed to visit.
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