May 03, 2007 10:20
I haven't written in over a month. The only excuse I can hope to pass off for being absent is that my paper journal has been revived with new life.
But in other news...
Life and youth ministry are trucking along. May is an extremely busy month. The next two Saturdays are all-day Confirmation retreats, followed by a movie night and cruise, followed the weekend after by Junior High Bash and then paintballing. (Paintballing in the Spring is a scary endeavor for me.) Saturdays have ceased to exist. But, I can occasionally take a half day in the week to compensate, so that's pretty nice.
I've been reading a lot lately and going to a good Bible study on salvation history through the Old Testament. Let's see...Adam-Seth-Enoch-Noah-Shem-Abraham-Isaac-Jacob-Judah... that's as far as we've gotten so far. It's really neat to finally get some of this stuff straight in my mind. It opens up the O.T. for me (and therefore the N.T. as well).
Other than that...random movie nights and free icecreams, birthdays and's been good.
So, until I write again, signing out...
(and btw, good luck to everyone taking exams! You're in my thoughts and prayers!)