Star Wars...

May 20, 2005 02:11

Went to the midnight showing of Star Wars with the boys. Well, Rach was there too, but it was mostly us and the guys. I called dibs on sitting between Phil and Tim like 2 days before. So we got to the theater around 10 and got in line outside of our theater. But we didn't have to wait long. they let us into the theater at about 10:30 which was way cool. So we claimed out seats and screwed around for a bit. Tim, Steve, and I got light sabers and were beating the crap out of each other and everyone else. Then we got some Slurpees, except they don't call them that here, and got ourselves all sugared up before the movie. At about 11:15 I started asking Phil what time it was about every 5 minutes. He was ready to kill me by the time I left for the bathroom before the movie started. I got back and had a little freak out session because this guy from my biology class that was kinda ok and then came to our party and I thought he was weird was sitting with us. Then me and Tim were keeping occupied light saber fighting when the movie started. Well, the previews anyway. Then 20 minutes later the movie finally started.

The movie was pretty good. I'm still trying to process the whole thing to figure out how I feel about it. I think I need to watch 4, 5, and 6 before I decide entirely. But it was pretty good, I think.

After the movie, Phil, Tim, Darren, and rach came back to my apartment for a bit. I ended up staying up till 5 am. Then Meaghan's mom called at 8:30 am and after that I couldn't get back to sleep becasue somewhere in the building someone was hannering and drilling all morning. So I finally got up at 10:30 and went through my day on about 4 hours of sleep. It sucked but it was worth it.
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