Stolen from Suz

Oct 25, 2004 02:18

1. using band names spell out your name.
E verclear
L it
I ncubus
Z ombie (as in Rob, sorry I had to steal yours suz)
A ll American Rejects
B on Jovi
E vanescence
T he Darkness
H oobastank
2. have you ever had a song written about you? yes
3. what song makes you cry? Christmas Shoes (I tear up everytime I hear it)
4. what song makes you happy? 1985 by Bowling for Soup
5. what do you like to listen to before bed? nothing

height - 5'8''
hair color - red
skin color - super white!
eye color - brown
piercings - two in each lobe, one cartlidge, one navel
tattoos - i want one

right now:
what color pants are you wearing - plaid blue shorts
what song are you listening to - no music, the roomie is sleeping
what taste is in your mouth - toothpaste
what's the weather like - cold
how are you - bored, and not sleepy at 2:30 am

do you:
motion sickness - no
have a bad habit - yes
get along with your parents - most of the time
like to drive - yes

tv show - Viva La Bam
book- Of Mice and Men and Lord of the Flies
magazine - Cosmopolitan
non-alcoholic drink - orange soda!!!
alcoholic drink - midori sour, rum and coke, rachel's screwdrivers
thing to do on the weekend - sleep in really late

have you:
broken the law - does speeding count?
ran away from home - no
snuck outta the house - no, i'm a big dork, i never did bad stuff
ever gone skinny dipping - no
made a prank phone call - who hasn't
used your parent's credit card before - i got to sign for something mom ordered once
skipped school before - not without my parents knowledge
fell asleep in the shower/bath - yeah i used to do that all the tim ein the mornings before school
been in a school play - some of the best times in my life were there
let a friend cry on your shoulder - yes

sexuality - very straight
children - i love kids
current crush - it's a secret!
had a hard time getting over someone - once or twice
been hurt - yeah, but i'm used to it now
your greatest regret - haveing sex so young, i don't regret having sex, just having it that young

do you have a job - yeah, it sucks
your cd player has in it right now - Bon Jovi
what makes you happy - candy, boys, candy canes (the way to my heart), romantic gestures
who makes you the happiest - my pearl because she is always smiling
what's the next cd you're gonna get - probably Bon Jovi
what do you like to do - sleep, read, eat, love

when/what was the last:
time you cried - i can't remember
you got a real letter - over the summer
you got e-mail - today, i get my horoscope every day
thing you purchased - Tylenol Cold and gum
tv program you watched - Saved by the Bell, i think, on Friday
movie you saw at the theater - The Village

your thoughts on:
abortion - women should have the right to choose
teenage smoking - smoking sucks
life- life sucks too
bush- MORON
love at first sight- can totally happen if you let it
war- not the best problem solving srategy
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