Aug 10, 2004 01:45
I'm turning into a big time insomniac. I don't understand why I can't sleep. My body just does not want to go to sleep. In my head I want to sleep but my body won't let me. i don't really drink caffine and I really don't eat anything with sugar in it either. What is my problem? Who do I talk to about this? Ok maybe I'm not an insomniac. What is it called when you can never sleep at night but you can sleep all day? That's my problem. Sometimes if I had to wake up early i can get to sleep earlier but like tonight, I can't sleep, but i know that when it's about 4 am I'll fall asleep and then I really will not want to get up for work. Maybe it's a depression thing. Stay up all night when everyone else is asleep so no one can bother you and sleep all day and ignore them all. I thought I was out of my depressive state for the summer. I was feeling better. I'm going back to school soon, I'm happy. I'm not supposed to slip back into the depressive state until Christmastime. I think now I'm depressed because summer is too damn long. I'm not used to getting out of school in the beginning of May. By the time I was going on my family vacation my biological clock was telling me that it was time to be back in school. Am I going to be like this when I'm a teacher? Depressed all summer? If that is the case I'm gonna have to teach summer school or something! The pathetic thing is that I don't miss my friends so much as I miss homework. I need something to do in my spare time. This boredom is driving me crazy. I've read 31 books already this summer! I'm about to start my 32nd and I'll most likely get in another one after that. It's just sad. I'm bored of summer. I think I'll be a teacher in California where they have school year round and only have two week long breaks sparatically throughout the school year. Or at least Maybe I won't be bored in the summer when I'm married. I'll only have to occupy myself while My husband is at work. Unless he's a teacher too, then it would be perfect. We could spend our summers together not being bored!
Ok, I'm done with my rant. Time to go read myself to sleep (but I doubt that will be happening because I'm reading Stephen King).