Met a guy today with a Peace dollar to sell. Usually I don't arrange meetings for just one coin, but this one was a date I've been looking for awhile. We met at the McDonalds near my house, younger guy, shaved head, heavyset. He described how he was selling the coins in his late father's deposit box because he needed some cash, and that he'd found this "error coin" and was excited about selling it. He brought it out, I looked at it for a minute.
"What's the error?" I asked.
"Right there, man. There's a V in the word TRUST where the U should be."
I paused a minute. "Well ... I don't think that's an error. This series, this design, they're actually all like that."
He winced and cocked his head, decided that he didn't believe me, and explained that two coin shops had already appraised his error coin at over two hundred, picked his stuff up and left.
Here's what a Peace dollar (actually, every Peace dollar) looks like: