Sep 03, 2008 13:00
So i been thinking lately what brings a perosn to the it the sex, the art, the prospect of meeting new people to be friends. many an answer and many a reason, each persons being unique.
Now before anyone post anythng on why are you aiming this at me, im not aiming at anyone im posting in general
But as of late, i find more and more the reason behind the fandom or the reasons lot of people stay in it is for the sex. now here were the moral aspect comes into play, is the whole legality issue of sex i personally dont see anything wrong with underage sex, but before you burn me, i dont mind it if its like only a year or two differnce between the partners so say 16 and 18 or 17 and a 19 there is not much really wrong with that, but when you get into say your 14/15 year olds sleeping with almost 27-30 year olds then something is wrong, and i noticed more and more as of late in the fandom. the other thing i noticed more and more frequntly in the fandom is zoophilia, again its one of those things i dont really give a shit about but just dont do it around me. i have heard a few stories that people would leave thier mate for thier dog or horse or what ever it be leaving thier mate heartbroken its really sad.
Another thing that i do think about is well the aspect of whom you have sx with, yeah sure i tease and say i wanna sleep with you, but saying and doing are two totally differnt animals. When you can ask someone about a friend you know and the firs tthing that roles off thier tounge is good lay, bad lay, was the freeking grand canyon, or felt like a lifeless body it gets kinda disturbing after a while. i mean i got friends as im sure all of us do, or even practice ourself that have slept with more people then they have digits and appandages. Something else i do find funny is when people preach the vaules of safe sex, then to only find out later that they dont even bother practicing what they preach.
what else... Well then there is also those that are so furry tha thy are nausiating to those around themcause every other wod from thier lips is "fur fur fur fur fur fur fursuit, comission comisson,yiff yiff, orgy, lube, buttsecks nows pleze?" and when these people dont get whatthey desire they turn into big children and throw the worlds biggest tantrum and say how can i fursecute them or say something that tarts with fur/what ever or addfur to the middle of word or if you expect them to act normal in socitey they do nothing more then embarass you asmuch as many of you wil hate me for saying this, furry is a fantasy, its an escape from our normal lives ot a reality that most try to live.
lets see...then there are those that say hey i wanna go out and do tis but im so pussy whipped by my mom/or dad that i cant im freeking 35 and still living in thier basment with no job or drivers liscence for gods sake grow a pair already. It's one thing to be a student and living at home, or live at home still and are helping them out while living your own life and job and such, but when you become a cave slug or jabba the hutt there are issus cause usually you have the social skills of a bowel movement
over all furry is nothing more then the biggest band of misfits we come in all shapes and sizes, the ones with the looks but the personallity of a turd, and then those who have a heart of gold but not so much in he looks department, and then those that fall in the middle or those that have neither the looks or the attitude