Happy Birthday Grandma (and my sister tomorrow)

Sep 24, 2007 08:45

It's been a long time since I've put a post up here.  Oh so much has happened in the last month.  Let's see if I can summarize.

1) I took my tests
2) My semester started
3) The prof I am TAing for doesn't use a computer, so no e-mail or webpage from him.
4) He also does everything the hard way, so I keep having to pick up the slack so the students actually learn something
5) I failed my tests
6) I am having to make an appeal so they don't kick me out of the Ph.D. program.
7) However, if they deny my claim I go to the Master's program and if I pass the tests in the Master's program they can let me back into the Ph.D. program.
8) Chris is still unemployed
9) I am having to work my ass off this semester on impressing an advisor, teaching for a tough prof, taking a education policy course with TONS of reading, and searching for a new church.

and finally

10) I experienced my first hangover on Saturday and it was a doozy.

I think that summarized my life over the last month.  But I have to go to lecture now.
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