stolen from time_ambassador

Jul 06, 2007 18:57

A - Available? No

B - Best Friend(s)? Julie, Carrie and Lisa

C - CRUSH? Of course, on my husband.

D - DOGS NAME? I wish I had a dog

E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO? Chris, Carrie, Kelly, Mom

F - Favorite Food? Ice Cream (most flavors)

G - GUMMY BEARS OR WORMS? I like the sugar free gummy bears, but I would probably prefer worms if I could find them sugar free.

H - HOMETOWN? Round Rock/Austin

I - IF YOU COULD MOVE, WOULD YOU? Depends on where. Right now, all I want is to go back to Austin, which is happening in 3 weeks!

J - JOB? Yes, no, maybe so. I have a job currently. I am quitting said job in three weeks. However I have another job for the fall, and I am applying for a different job then the one I'm supposed to start in the fall.

K - KIDS? Eventually

L - LONGEST CAR RIDE? Pleasant Valley, NY to Austin, TX, although we did spend a few days in St. Louis on that trip. Baltimore to Austin in two days was the longest without stopping for longer than a night.

M - MILK FLAVOR? Chocolate


O - ONE WISH? To pass my prelims next month

P - PHOBIA(S)? Bees and wasps, although I'm better than I used to be.

Q - FAVORITE QUOTE? "Friends always show their love." Proverbs 17:17

R - REASON TO SMILE? I'm going home soon!

S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD? "That's my girl, my whole world, but that ain't my truck" I don't know what the title is or who sings it, but that's in the chorus. It was on the radio when I drove home.

T - TIME YOU WOKE UP? I got up at 5:45 this morning.

U - UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME? I have a natural hole in my ear. (not from a piercing)

V - VEGETABLES YOU LOVE? corn, carrots, onion, cucumber

W - WORST HABIT? I bite my nails, and according to Chris make lots of funny noises in my sleep

X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD? Dentist stuff.

Y - YOUR MOM? Fantastically awesome. We talk several times a week, even if it's just about our soap.

Z - ZODIAC SIGN? Scorpio.
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