Dec 20, 2005 14:41
A photo will arrive eventually, RACHEL.
So every christmas, this friend of the family gives me craploads of fudge in exchange for help around the house, its kind of a Christmas tradition. Unfortunately, this is probably the christmas tradition that contributes most to Christmas weight gain. SO, to counteract the 1000 calories of fudge I ate yesterday alone, I went running today (burning probably 200 calories, so I'm bad at math). Now, people in Texas may remark that this is not so exciting, but in Gloversville its 10 degrees outside. SO I run in wool socks, fleece lined pants, and three layers of shirts, and I STILL cant feel my legs. There are two things that tell you when its actually cold outside: when your legs are frozen enough that you can feel your thighs jiggle when you walk, and when whenever you breathe in, you nostrils stick together. The second one is super cold, the first just cold. Today I am just cold.
I've made a deal with myself regarding the fudge- seeing as how I, a chocaholic, can't resist it, I shall allow myself to eat fudge if I a) run atleast every once and a while (its cold out, claiming Im going to run every day is just lying), b)not snack on anything else-- not meaning that when I feel like snacking Ill stop myself and eat fudge, just meaning that Ill stop myself unless I specifically feel like eating fudge, which is a lot of the time anyway. So far I've failed at the latter.
So the phone just rang, and this is officially the fourth time in two days that some lady from discover card has called to tell us about open applications or something, you'd think the fact that I hang up on them every time would give them a hint. Next time perhaps Ill try one of those funny suggestions like trying to have a conversation with the telemarketer. I can be pretty annoying. Perhaps she'd like to hear about my Christmas fudge.
I went for a massage yesterday at some spa in saratoga. Massage's kick ass. Most people marry for money, I think I'd be more likely to marry for massages. That and chocolate. Chocolate and massages. I also had this odd mineral water bath, which I fell asleep in. The bath is this deep and long tub, too long for me to sit up in and have my feet against the opposite wall, so they give you this stool you can put there so you can have your feet up against it. I didnt think this would be terribly neccessary, after all, I'm pretty sure I can sit up on my own, but then I realized that something about the water makes you really bouyant. Now, I've lost weight, but I can officially say that my back side/bottom half contains more bouyant material than my top half, which definitely explains the need for the stool. I got in the water and tried to sit all on my own with my back against the back of the tub, only to discover that my ass would start to float up, bringing my torso down. Explains the need for the stool, but it was pretty damned funny. Overall though, nice and relaxing bath. I was kind of worried that they were going to have some attendant that therefore saw me atleast somewhat naked, but they were good about it and let you get into the bath, in a private room, all on your own.
So: things I learned in the past few days: my ass floats more than my chest does, while you can never have your fill of fudge, thats not necessarily a good thing, and I'm still seminocturnal.