Bwahahahahahah and HA!

Jun 16, 2005 12:26

Helllloooo!!! Is anybooooodyyy theeerrreee??

haha. Maths Studies exam was worse than a life without chocolate! Bah! BAH! Baaaaaaaad! I couldnt answer half the questions on the first page, let alone the rest of the friggin exam. Oh why did I not study?? And furthermore, WHY am I updating rather than STUDYING for my next exam which is tomorrow morning and is SPECIALIST maths.. which apparently is like teh million times harder than maths studies... Smeh... after that maths studies exam.. Rachel smells a fail coming her way.. Woot! fun! The only exam i've ever failed was that cursed chemistry exam last yr when those fags didnt let me do the exam... shmeh.. Specialist should be more fun than teh BOX FACTORY!!!*note the absence of doorflap factory reference*

Weeeeelll, i think i've picked a fair bad year of school to start failing shit... The only subject i'm doing half decent in is English COMMUNICATIONS (bite that teh Jickle). I got a 19/20 and threw a tantrum cos it brings my percentage down. *sigh* 98%.. hahaha, love teh english... Minimum effort needed and i can get extensions at the drop of teh hat; easy easy easy stuff... Oh boy how i wish all my other subjects were like that...

This update has been far too SCHOOL related. Which is BAD. Yes, BAD. I shall stop talking about teh school now..

ummm... well this is exciting now isnt it?

I have chocolate.. Yes. I have a bag a white freddos i scabbed off D-Arn... Zippel went and bought me a block on Cadbury Hazelnut chocolate cos i said i was feeling sad once during maths (dammit another school reference) and Geoff's given me a block of Top Deck and maltesers to help me 'study' *sigh* ... i miss him..

Badminton practice last night was awesome. Baldy wasnt there so i had to run practice, which was 'interesting'... Monkey Girl (aka: Geoff's ex-gf's little sis Fiona) beat me up real bad with her badminton racket so i ended up pulling her hair then she called herself gay then ran away. she tis an odd girl she tis... Our A3 had a massive bitch fight with out B1 in which A3 called her a "lousy, lazy bitch" and said that she "only wants to play against B1 cos she's a shitty badminton player that cant play and she's eaassssyyy to beat"... then B1 ran off in tears and Monkey Girl started to beat up A3... B3 spent the whole practice lying on the floor while the rest of the B-team poked her with their rackets while she screamed... And A2 has bludged the THIRD practice in a row. Then of course I managed to be a good example, fell over a gazillion times, drew smiley faces on the cocks and beat up monkey girl and teased the meanie A3... *sigh* I am the champion CAPTAIN COCK-SMACKER as the rest of the badminton minions call me... And to make things worse, Fenndog's coming to watch out match this saturday..

Wow, that was a fair ramble... I think I'll shut up now...
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